Muscle and Fitness -- The Second Key To Successfully Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Lets discuss Muscle and Fitness -- The Second Key To Successfully Achieving Your Fitness Goals. But just before that, I'd like to remind you about what the previous article discussed.

In a previous article called: "Muscle and Fitness -- The First Key To Achieving Your Goals", you were given ten steps to follow. If you haven't received this article, I suggest you read that before this one here, as it will make what I'm talking a little clearer.

You can access that article here:Muscle and Fitness -- The First Key

In summary, that article discussed the first key -- the 'HAVE' key. This is where you identify your muscle and fitness goals. There are still the 'BE' and 'DO' keys to go.

Which brings me to the second key:

The 'DO' Key
This is the action key. The one that gets you to do what is necessary to make things happen.

So what you need to do is first identify what your goals are. Decide exactly what you want to achieve and then choose the necessary actionable steps to achieve those goals.

In the first key, the HAVE key, you went through a process that helped (or will help) you in deciding what you want. Maybe it was to lose weight or gain mass muscle, or whatever.

The point is that you know what you want to get out of your training routine before commencing the routine that suits your goals.

Assuming you have gone through the HAVE key, it's time to go through the DO key and structure your bodybuilding workout routine, or fitness routine, around your goals.

So lets do that, shall we?

1. Review the work you did in the HAVE key. In other words, look at the index card (postcard) you created that identified your exact goals.

2. Read them. As you do so, feel them. Imagine performing a specific exercise that would be most beneficial for that particular goal. See it happen, as if it is actually happening. What exercise would be the most effective one in helping you achieve that specific goal?

Once you have decided which exercise to use, write it down.

3. Now move onto the next goal on that card. Go through the motions that you just did in number two above. Feel it. See it. How good do you feel?

Now, which exercise will be most effective for that specific goal? Write it down just below the first one.

4. Now move onto the next goal on your card and repeat steps two and three above. Do this until you've decided on your specific routine.

Again, write the exercises down.

5. How many repetitions do you need to do?How many sets should you perform?

This depends on your goals. If it's to lose weight, then keep the weights light, but heavy enough to provide adequate resistance. If you choose to build muscle, then decide how much muscle you want to build. Then you would choose heavier weights and fewer reps.

If you're not sure how much weight to use, reps to do or sets to perform... then seek the advice of a professional.

6. Time to choose how often you need to train. If you building bigger muscle, you may need to break your training regime into two to three parts. In other words...

You may decide to work the chest, back and legs on day 1. Then shoulders, biceps and triceps on day 2. Then rest on day 3.

Or are you looking to lose weight?

Then you may choose to perform a total body workout on day 1 and rest on day 2. You may wish to add in some aerobical workout routine as this will help burn off the excessive calories much more quickly.

Just make sure that it's appropriate for your goal.

7. What about your diet?

Decide what foods are right for you and your goals. Are you looking to lose weight?

Then eat less, but consume more healthy food with low fat and calories. Decide how often to eat.

Looking to gain weight?

Then eat more. Also choose better foods that can help with weight gain, while they are healthy at the same time. Look for decent whole foods. Decide if supplements are necessary.

8. Make sure that you've written everything down. Review it and see if you've left anything out.

Now you have the DO key done. You are at the point where you have structured your training program to help you get your goals. In other words...

You now have two of the three keys:

'DO - HAVE'.

All that's left is the 'BE' key. But, that's enough for today. Just review this article and take action on the steps above. Follow these steps until complete.

Once you follow these steps, you are set up for the final key... the BE key.

Keep an eye out for it.

Tony Farrell of provides valuable insight into the world of health, fitness and bodybuilding. Through his unique approach, he truly helps people to succeed and reach their goals. To subscribe to his ezine, just visit:

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