The Revolution Begins When YOU take Control

I'd like to share a story with you about two interesting people that we ALL know.

Ms. Jane D. Acceptor thinks, "I got this dead-end job, I'm bored to tears, but hey--it pays my bills. It keeps a roof over my head. So what I hate what I do, and I'm not crazy about the people I work with's a job. Aren't you supposed to hate your job?"

Jane goes through life just accepting how it all turns out. But Mrs. Wendy Ago-Getter was a different animal. She used to be in Jane's place, she actually worked in the cubicle right next to her. She and Jane used to complain, complain, and complain about how their boss was an idiot, how management had no clue, and about how other co-workers got on their nerves. Sure they weren't the nicest things to say about others, but they had a roaring good time doing it!

They were bitter and thrived off of each other's negative energy. They threw pity parties on a daily basis on Instant messenger and on their lunch breaks.

But then...something changed. Wendy's Husband, Mr. Getter introduced her to the law of attraction, because quite frankly, her bad attitude was bringing him down and causing their marriage to get a bit rocky. Once Wendy started to become aware of how she allowed her energy to flow, she also noticed how depression and unhappiness took control of her life. It seemed as if she WANTED this for herself. And it was at this moment when she realized she had the power to make a change. With this gradual mental shift...she started to get to know 'Wendy' a bit more. She started to dig deep for her inner power.

When Wendy had free time, she wrote children's books and found pleasure in this craft. Whenever she got home, and she put her 5 year old to bed, she wrote. She loved her newly rediscovered imagination where all her stories stemmed. After all, it came natural to her. It was so easy to create fun characters. What she loved most was reading them to her daughter and seeing that smile on her face as she entered that imaginary land with her.

Well, Jane thought she was just ridiculous. Writing children's books, COME ON, GET REAL! Jane became jealous when Wendy slowly started to pull away from her. The lunch breaks went down from two a week to none a week. Wendy enjoyed writing in the park on her break instead. Wendy felt alive again...she had so much fun doing writing.

One day Wendy's daughter brought her favorite book to school so that the teacher could read it to the class. The teacher was thoroughly impressed with her writing style. She was especially taken aback at the student's reaction to the story. They LOVED it! Turns out the teacher's brother was an agent for authors and the teacher didn't hesitate to set up a meeting with him and Wendy.

Wendy couldn't believe it.... "My little old books? It was just a hobby. I would do it for free," she raved. But then she started to accept her gift and realized that she did deserve whatever was coming to her. She started to picture her book on shelves of books stores, she imagined children in the park reading the books, she saw her daughter bragging about her mom--the author! Positive visualization became her daily habit. Her husband shared with her that her mental shift is what caused these changes in her life. There are NO COINCIDENCES...

A month later, her company downsized her department and of course that was no surprise. She received a pretty good severance and was actually thrilled for the opportunity to write more. Turns out, her new agent landed her a bidding war for her books. Simon & Schuster and Random house wanted a two-book deal from her. They were up to 50k for her advance; she hoped it would go even higher!

Could this be happening? Wendy and her husband were practically floating from the stream of good news. It was like a darn fairly tale in one of her books.

Funny enough... Jane D. Acceptor didn't get laid off. She was transferred to another department and given even more work to cover all of the folks that left. Jane wasn't happy about it...but of course, what the heck could she do? The fact is...she could do a whole lot. We are all deliberate creators of our lives. Wendy was just existing but not living.

News flash: Continue living your life as a victim and focusing on what's wrong with everything, placing blame on everyone, will only bring more of what you DON'T want into your life.

How 'bout looking in the mirror and starting there. Where we are right this very second, is because of what we have done in our past. The fact is...that fairy tale that Wendy is now living is very possible. You can do a 360 with your career, with your business, with your relationships...when you are not sleep-walking through life. When you take the blinders off and start paying attention to exactly what you are putting out there...

It's sad to say that we have all been brainwashed into thinking that most of our desires are not only self-serving egotistical no-no's but absurdly impossible.


1. Spend time alone, get to know yourself. Journal your dreams, meditate, pray, read self-help books, do whatever works for you at your pace, but make time to do it! Have tons of people in the house? Go for a daily walk, go to the library, get a baby sitter...Just do it alone!

2. Find out what your true calling is. What are you really here to do? (Business Coach, Crystal Dewberry will talk more about this below...)

3. Get rid of the "Jane's" in your life. Do away with the toxic people...the emotional vampires that suck the life right out of you. These are the people who enjoy being depressed and want to take you along with the ride.

4. Surround yourself with go getters not accepters!

5. Say no to pity parties. The second you feel one coming on, switch it around and start thinking about what positive outcome you want. You know a pity party is on it's way when you start thinking, "Why does this always have to happen to me? I'll never be able to pay my bills! I'm such a loser I can never find the right mate, etc..."

Cut it out already! Stop whining and complaining and DO SOMETHING about it. Talk about your dreams, your future, write about it, and fantasize about it constantly.

Okay, some of you reading this might think... "Simone has really lost it, this is silly, give me a freakin' break! I don't have any power to change my situation." However you are SOOOO wrong, BECAUSE ANYTHING YOU WANT IS hear me? Anything you want...

So you make the choice...Let the revolution begin! If you want it, You GOTS TO HAVE IT!

Simone Kelly is CEO and founder of Gots To Have It, Marketing, a firm that specializes in marketing and empowering entrepreneurs with a series of workshops and networking events. Please view her company web sites here: and

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