5 Tips To Increase Your Personal Power

1. The most important one: Have at least one person in your life who is like-minded. This means someone who wants to be the best they can be, who has dreams and goals and takes action to make them a reality. I know such people can be hard to find! They don't have to be following the same course in life as you. My best friend is studying to become a pilot and I enjoy computers and writing, yet because we love what we do, we help each other stay focused and motivated. But where can you find similar people? Try clubs and associations connected with your interests, the workplace, and of course, the Internet. Pick any subject and I guarantee you will find groups and forums for it online. Be proactive - seek out positive people. What they bring into your life - and you theirs - is priceless.

2. Watch inspirational movies. This is going to be down to personal taste, obviously, but here's a selection of films that inspire me: The Star Wars films, Rocky I & II (the rest are no where near as good!), Shawshank Redemption, Twelve Angry Men, Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, The Count Of Monte Cristo - There's many more but these are my favourites and never fail to give me a boost. You could also add to this videos and DVDs of your favorite sporting moments - in fact anything that inspires you. Build your collection and watch them when you feel enthusiasm levels dropping.

3. Related to the first tip: read biographies about people you admire. Again, personal taste will dictate who you read about but here's some people I admire greatly: Martin Luther King, Lance Armstrong, Helen Keller, Sir Winston Churchill, Lord Horatio Nelson, Franklin D and Eleanor Roosevelt, Muhammad Ali to name but a few. The beauty about this is that you read about people who achieved so much with their lives. You are learning about people who "walk the talk" rather than listening to people who haven't done anything and may well be negative about life. If you want to achieve your dreams it is absolutely vital to stay positive. Reading about people you admire will do for your positive attitude what pizzas do for your waistline, i.e expand it!

4. Have a picture board and fill it with pictures of your goals: Type of house, views of the area where you want to live, car or boat or bike you want, jewelry, clothes - whatever it is you want! This is to give you a visual reminder everyday about the goals you are pursuing and reminds you that what you are working towards is something very worthwhile. It boosts enthusiasm and keeps you focused and on track.

5. Read quotations everyday. I'm a big believer in the use of quotations to inspire and I'm always on the lookout for new ones to add to my list of favourites. My list is 6 pages long and growing! Here's a couple of good websites to checkout:

www.quotationspage.com & www.motivatingquotes.com

And to practice what I preach and to close this article nicely, here is the lastest quote I've added to my list and the one that inspired me to write this article:

"If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm." - Vince Lombardi

And there you have 5 tips to help you maintain your enthusiasm and motivation. Put all 5 to use and you will stay positive and on course to achieve your goals!

Until next time.

Chris Green is the author of the new acclaimedbook "Conquering Fear", the complete guide to overcoming fear and attracting more success, prosperity and happinessinto your life. Welcome to your personal power revolution! For more info, Click Here==>http://www.conqueringfear.net

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