How to Increase Your Income Significantly

I would like you to give your full attention to this writing, because what you about to read will transform your life and circumstances significantly. If there is distraction around you, get rid of it before you even read this article.

Before I continue, I would like you to remember this "Never ever underestimate the power of knowledge." That's right; say this to yourself until you remember it perfectly in your mind and your heart "Never ever underestimate the power of knowledge." If tonight your knowledge of reading is taken away from you, tomorrow your salary will be reduced significantly. If tonight your knowledge that you earn from 4 years of college is taken away from you, you will lose your job tomorrow, because you won't be able to perform your duty at your work place that requires your knowledge.

When people come to me to gripe and complain about buying $15 book, those people don't respect knowledge & information, therefore they don't deserve an increase in their income. Your income is determined by the amount of knowledge and information you have! If you want to become a nurse, you must attend a nursing school, get your nursing training and once you graduate from nursing school, you will be able to work in a hospital as a nurse. If you want to become a lawyer, you must go through a law school. If you want to become a mechanic, you must read and study about mechanics. If you want to become a great real estate investor, read books about real estate investing, attend seminars, and go to classes that will you to become a great real estate investor. If you're in sales and want to become the number one sales person in your company, try to listen to sales motivational tapes, attend sales seminars, read books about how to become a better sales person and attend classes.

Many people want an increase in their income but they are not willing to trade their time and money to get more knowledge that can help them to increase their income. They would rather spend their money on clothes, gasoline and eating out, instead of spending money on their brain. Your brain is worth investing. Your mind is one of the most powerful tool that you have and it is worth investing. The ability of your mind to solve problems will be determined by the amount of information and knowledge you have learned. If your ability to drive is taken away from you, you won't be able to drive tomorrow, and it will frustrate you.

The reason why most people are frustrated about their income today, it's because they are lacking of the information that they need to improve their income. Some of them see their problem as an opportunity to learn new things and they are able to overcome their financial problems. Some of them will just sit down, complain and hope that a miracle will come to them.

You're the only person that is responsible for your future! No body else cares about you if you don't care about yourself. Again, if you're willing to put $40 to $60 a day in your car gas tank; your brain is worth more than $40 to $60 a day. The reason why you have your job today because your mind is able to solve problems for your employer! The reason why your business is thriving today, it's because your mind has the capability to solve problems for your clients.

"Never ever underestimate the power of knowledge." Knowledge and information can transform your life significantly. Are you willing to pay the price? Are you willing to take your time to improve yourself? I challenge you to stand up, stop sitting around and complaining and start to do something different today as soon as you finish reading this article. If you want to have something that you never have, you must be willing to do something you have never done, so "Never ever underestimate the power of knowledge!"

© Copyright 2005, - All Rights Reserved.

Entjik Jeffrie

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