The Fastest Way To Manifest Your Desires

Is there a way to change your life condition, and manifestyour desires at the fastest possible speed?

YES! Definitely! There is a secret that can make youmanifest your desires in the fastest possible wayyou can imagine. I am going to share with you thissecrets now. Once you mater it, and apply it into yourown life, you will never experience any struggle again.Your life will become a magic. You can easily createthe success you want, you can fulfill any desiresin your life?

Are you ready to know what this secrets is?

Here it is:

"The fastest way to manifest any desire is to think,speak and act as if it has already come true."

You may have heard of this in many different ways,but you never find a way to implement this intoyour own life. This is because you never thinkabout how powerful this is, and you doubt about it.Therefore you don't see the necessity for any action.Let me now help you to clear the doubt for you, so that youcan use it with 100% confidence, and produce 100% results.

Before I do, I am going to say a few words on the conceptof truth. "Truth is powerful" .Truth is the universallaws, it's unchangeable, it has own organizing powerwithin itself. As long as you know the truth, your levelof awareness will automatically increase, and will neverfall back again. Once you know the truth, you will totallyshift your own perception, and you will see the worldvery differently. Your life will never be the same again.Our entire life is seeking for the truth. some peopleare luckier, they easily discover the truth , and thereforethey can enjoy a stress free live based on the truth.Some other people spend their entire lives struggling ,but never find the truth. Actually, truth are simple,you only need someone to tell you, and you willimmediately recognize it and wonder why you never thinkabout it before.

I am now going to share a few simple truthbehind this principle.

1. YOU already have what you want

You may have heard of that "Before you ask, it is alreadygiven to you?

Have you ever think of what does this really mean?You may think that this is another religion belief, butfrom scientific point of view, this is absolutely true.What it really means is that everything you desire,or anything you can possibly imagine, already exists inthe cosmic field of all possibilities as a form of energy.The entire universe is a huge ocean of energy,this means you and I and everything else on this planet,including money, house, cars, or even the ideal soul mateyou are looking for, are energy. What you may not knowis that this energy acts to the command of the higherintelligence, which governs entire universal system.What you may also not know is that you are partof this intelligence; you have every quality of thehigher intelligence. Therefore you have the abilityto command on the energy field. You can create literallyanything you can imagine out of this cosmic energy field.Remember "You are the creator of your own life.?

Since what you want is already given to you, it makesabsolute sense to think, speak, and act as if all yourdesires have already come true.

2. Feeling is the language of the higher intelligence.

Since you are part of the higher intelligence, why youdon't see any evidence that you are creating the life youdesire? Why life seems never ending series of struggle?Why your life is still full of worries and anxiety?If you have any of these feelings, this is exactlythe answer. What you feel, you create and manifest.The universe will never disappoint you. Whatever you ask,it will give to you. The problem is the universe doesnot speak English, or Chinese, or any other languages usedby human being. However, there is a universal languagebuilt into our body system even before we were born.This language is universal; so the universe cancommunicate with anyone of us. This languageis our feeling and emotions. We are communicatingwith the higher intelligence every single secondsince the minute we were born. The universe providesus everything we ask for according to our command.It is the ignorance and misuse of this powerful languagegives us so much struggle and unhappiness. Think about it,if the feeling is the language you speak to the universe,when you feel struggled, and unhappy, what willthe universe responds? It has no choice to fulfill yourcommand by giving you more struggle and unhappiness.It always satisfies you.

Now you understand no matter how miserable your currentcondition is, stop feeling miserable and unhappy,because if you do, you are telling the universe that youwant more of misery and unhappiness. Instead, "Think,speak and act as if all your desires have already cometrue?This will trigger the feeling that is consistent withyour desires, hence pass your command into the universe,and bring it into reality with effortless ease.The universe will never disappoint you, only you do.Be careful what you feel, because you will attractmore of it.

3.The universe will take care of the details

Now I am asking you to "think, speak and act as if yourdesires already come true,?You may ask me how you are goingto make it.

You don't have to worry, you will know exactly how atthe exactly the right time and the right place.The universe will take care of all the details.Your job is to tell the universe what you want throughthe universal language of feelings and emotions.Your emotion is an kind of energy with certain frequency,it will go into the cosmic energy field, find the exactenergy that matches the frequency of your emotions,and bring forth to you in a form of a book, a mentor,an opportunity, or a group of supporting people.It will find exactly what you need, but it is the jobof the universe, it is already guaranteed by the universallaw of attraction at the moment you send out your emotion.The only thing you need to do is to focus on youheart desires, feel what you should feel, see what youshould see, hear what you should hear, even smell what youshould smell if your desires have already come true.Let the universe orchestrate all the details.

I hope by now you have already clear you doubt,it is absolutely necessary for you to "think, speak,act as if all your desires have already come true",this is the fastest way to bring it into reality.

I wish I can share more of the truth with you, but thespace is limited. If you are really keen on knowingmore truth about the universe we are living in, and howto scientifically use it to create the life you desire,you really want to get a copy of Dr Robert Anthony'slife changing program "Know How To be Rich".

Song ChengXiang is the editor "The UltimateSuccess Secrets" Newsletter, and the authorof "Rapid Manifestation" online course.Sign up "The Ultimate Success Secrets" Newsletter andget fresh, original, new articles every week withvarious methods and techniques you can use to rapidlyattract any desires you have, and keep up to dateon hot new self improvement ebooks and programs.Serious Only. or click here!

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