Understanding Aromatherapy

In the 1920's, a French cosmetic chemist named Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, was one day making fragrances in his laboratory, when he accidentally burned his arm. He then thrust his badly burnt arm into the nearest cold liquid, which turned out to be a tub of lavender oil. To his surprise, the pain was decreased dramatically and left no usual burn results, such as, redness, heat, inflammation, and blisters. He also noticed that the wound healed quickly and left none of the usual scars associated with burns. It was at that point that Gattefosse dedicated his life to researching the medicinal properties of what we now call nature's essential oils. Incidentally, he was the first to coin the term aromatherapy.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are aromatic liquid substances extracted from specific species of trees, roots, leaves, fruits, grasses and flowers. These concentrated oils are far more valuable to humankind, than just pleasing aromas. The healing properties of the essential oils, have long been known in ancient times. From Egypt to India to China and used accordingly. Essential oils are absorbed through the skin and leaves no toxins like their medical drug counterparts; this is an effective way to use them. They are excreted from the body through urine, feces, perspiration, and exhalation.

Medicinal And Healing

The essential oils have a proven history of healing and treating many ailments. Acne, burns, insomnia, depression, indigestion, dandruff, and cervical cancer to name a few. They may not necessarily cure all ailments, but do manage them effectively. The modern day medical system and drug industry have been using active ingredients found in the essential oils in their chemical drug making and treatment professions. However, because they've been chemically modified by science, they do leave toxins in the body after use, among other related problems. Essential oils in there natural form, are far more beneficial to your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Cosmetic And Beauty

Apart from being able to heal and treat various ailments, essential oils have a varied and proven means of being great cosmetic alternatives. They can be used to make your own line of natural cosmetics that's both healthy and none toxic in nature. Imagine making your own body lotion that treats your skin like a pampered king or queen. Cosmetics that wave goodbye to cellulite and rediscover the gorgeousness of your hands. The potential is limitless and very safe. Natural beauty with no high price to pay, just nature's goldmine in your household.

Air Fresheners & Cleaners

Aromatherapy also provides a means to natural air fresheners and cleaners in the form of ....... you guessed it, those wonder working essential oils. Create air fresheners with lemon, geranium, pettigraine and sandalwood blends to perform the music of a breathtaking musical dancing throughout your house in aromas that both paint your face with a smile and childlike awe. Create scents that is not only composed of sweet smelling aromas, but have natural bacteria fighting skills to them. Even soaps can be created, powerful enough to punch the ugliness of bacteria, yet mild enough to shower you with the grace of angels.

Cooking & Food Recipes

So we come to the culinary arts. Yes, using the essential oils in cooking, does open up new exciting paths for the taste of foods. Even the food industry uses these oil to enhance and create new taste treats. The only problem is, because they are produced on a larger scale, mush of the essential oils strengths are no longer present. However, you in your own kitchen, can make up for that little oversight. Herbs, spices, citrus, fruits, and flowers, are the essential main oils you will be using in the kitchen. Use them to elevate the taste of soups, breathe life into vegetables dishes, and addict the taste buds with cakes and desserts, among other dishes.

Domestic Pet Care

Still in awe of the many benefits and uses of aromatherapy? Essential oils help keep ticks, fleas and other diminutive creatures, off your dog for less than there commercial chemical counterparts. Watch as you help your dogs' coughs, colds and flu become more manageable and disappear with the essential oils niaouli, eucalyptus and tea tree. It's not just dogs than can benefit from aromatherapy, but cats, rabbits, hamsters and horses. Essential oils offer many remedies and solutions for taking care of your domesticated little friends and companions, saving you a dreaded and expensive trip to the vet.

Garden Guards

Using essential oils in your garden, can prove to be one of the wisest decisions you'll ever make. Many commercial garden products like pesticides, fungicides or wood preservatives, can wreck havoc in the form of dangerous poisoning, not just on pest and bugs, but in the inevitable foods you're growing that will end up in your stomach. The beautiful flowers and plants, you'll be sniffing and touching will definitely have some sort of toxic effect on you, because of the chemicals sprayed on them. This is where using the essential oils as a natural alternative, will not endanger your health. The functions of certain essential oils in the plants before they were extracted, shows that they were able to protect against bacteria and viruses. The strong antibacterial and antiviral properties in the essential oils, are also known for effectively dealing with fungi and mold. Essential oils also deter and prevent pest and insects from harming your garden.

Ancient Miracle

Aromatherapy offers you a choice between toxic chemicals and natural ones that will enhance and beautify your existence on the planet. In addition, it presents to you the gift of acquiring inexpensive solutions to your expensive ones. A chance to naturally take care of your pets as they take care of your happiness and self-esteem. Beautify your self safely without the harmful monsters of chemical cosmetics and live like royalty with the taste of foods fit for the gods. Furthermore, aromatherapy offers the miracle of effective healing and treatment that do more good than there chemical brothers.

More Resources

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Secrets Of Aromatherapy Part I - Physical Remedies
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Aromatherapy Oils
Aromatherapy is a method of using the aromatic oils which have been distilled from plant sources to engender a feeling of well being both physically and psychologically. Safe and correct use has been shown to benefit the physical and mental well being.
Use Fresh Herbs In Your Cooking
Many common herbs that you might use in cooking are well known for there healing properties. Using them in cooking is a great way to incorporate the healing attributes of natural herbs with your meals.

More Alternative Information:

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