Top 3 Yogis Secrets for Health and Happiness

For hundreds of years, the yogi's have been known to know the secrets for health, peace and happiness. In this short, but informative article, I will briefly describe 3 of these secrets with you.

Let's get started:

Secret#1: You are not your physical body.

The Yogis believe, you know, that the real Man is not his body. They know that the immortal "I" of which each human being is conscious to a greater or lesser degree, is not the body which it merely occupies and uses. They know thatthe body is but as a suit of clothes which the Spirit puts on and off from time to time. They know the body for what it is, and are not deceived into the belief that it is the realMan. But while knowing these things, they also know that the body is the instrument in which, and by which the Spirit manifests and works. They know that the fleshly covering is necessary for Man's manifestation and growth in this particular stage of his development. They know that the body is the Temple of the Spirit. And they, consequently, believe that the care and development of the body is as worthy a task as is the development of some of the higher parts of Man, for with an unhealthy and imperfectly developed physical body, the mind cannot function properly, nor can the instrument be used to the best advantage by its master, the Spirit.

Secret#2: You are not your mind.

You need to realize the superiority of the "I" or "real self" over the mind, as well as over the body; the fact that the mind is not the "I" or "real self", but is merely an instrument for the expression of the "I"; the fact that the "I" is master of the mind, as well as of the body; that the "I" is behind all thought; that the "I" can set aside for consideration the sensations, emotions, passions, desires, and the rest of the mental phenomena, and still realize that it, the "I," is apart from these mental manifestations, and remains unchanged, real and fully existent; that the "I" can set aside any and all of its mental tools and instruments, as "not I" or "not real self" things, and still consciously realize that after so setting them aside there remainssomething--itself--the "I" which cannot be set aside or taken from; that the "I" is the master of the mind, and not its slave.

Secret#3: You are "one with everything"

To be truly happy and healthy, you need to be aware of "The Oneness of All". You need to bear in mind the Universality of Life. All of the Universe is alive, vibrating and pulsating with life and energy and motion. There is nothing dead in the Universe. Life is everywhere, and always accompanied by intelligence. There is no such thing as a dead, unintelligent Universe. Instead of being atoms of Life floating in a sea of death, we are atoms of Life surrounded by an ocean of Life, pulsating, moving, thinking, living. Every atom of what we call Matter is alive. It has energy or force with it, and is always accompanied by intelligence and life. Look around us as we will; at the animal world;at the plant world;yes, even at the world of minerals and we see life, life, life;all alive and having intelligence. When we are able to bring this conception into the realm of actual consciousness;when we are able not only to intellectually accept this fact, but to even go still further and _feel_ and be conscious of this Universal Life on all sides, then are we well on the road to attaining the Cosmic Consciousness.

There you have it, 3 Yogi's secrets for health and happiness! Start meditating on these 3 universal truth and will begin to see some positive change in life.

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Carl Cholette is a young entrepreneur who specialized in finding, creating and publishing old but very informative books, courses and programs on various subjects like yoga, health and motivation.He believes that these old manuscripts are pure gold and filled with very useful informations which most people would benefit if they knew about it.

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