Ginger for Upset Stomach

The common ginger root used in cooking has been found toalleviate nausea, indigestion, and motion sickness.

For motion sickness ginger is more effective than the commonDramamine, says the British medical journal Lancet.Researchers recommend 1,500 mg. of ginger approximately 30minutes before travel. An alternative is a 12 oz. glass ofginger ale. Another study found that a 940 mg. dose ofginger was effective if it was consumed 20 to 25 minutesbefore travel.

Physicians in Europe found that 250 mg. of common gingerstops the nausea and vomiting of mothers-to-be.

A study with 80 Danish naval cadets unaccustomed to sailingheavy seas found that one gram of ginger reduced vomitingand cold sweating. Fewer symptoms of nausea and vertigowere also reported.

The magic ingredient is gingerol, the active ingredient inginger. It works with the gastrointestinal tract and doesnot interact with the nervous system so it has no sideeffects of toxicity.

A 1/2 teaspoon of ginger is as effective as Dramamine inrelieving motion sickness and is equal to 940 mg.

A ginger tea can be made by measuring one teaspoon ofpowdered ginger in a cup of boiling water or fruit juice.

Another method of using ginger is to use essential oil ofginger. Fill a bowl with boiling water, put in one drop ofginger per pint of water used, cover your head and inhalefor 5 minutes with your eyes closed.

For morning sickness drink ginger ale or ginger tea, eatginger snaps or take 250 mg. of ginger four times daily.Using 1/8 teaspoon of powdered ginger 4 times a day relievedmorning sickness in pregnant women.

During pregnancy, the total daily dose should not exceed onegram daily. For others, the daily dose may approach two tothree grams if needed. For prevention of motion sickness,begin taking three to four hours before the planned trip.

The active ingredient in ginger is gingerol, so whenpurchasing a ginger extract, make sure it is standardized inan 11:1 concentration. The recommended dose of the extractis 1,000 mg.

While ginger is safe for most people, if there is a historyof heartburn or gallstones, a doctor should be consultedbefore use.

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