Healing With Color FAQ

Can Color Therapy Be Used With Other Healing Techniques?

Yes, color and crystal therapy combine very very well - as does color therapy with reflexology. You can learn more of this by reading additional articles at AkobiAromas.com under Reflexology, Crystals and Color at the Article Archive.

What is an Aura?

By definition the aura is the energy field or " Life Force" that surrounds, encompasses and permeates all living things. The human aura is similar to a force field protecting and vitalizing every cell and organ of the body.

This glowing energy has been called an "electric blueprint".The Shape of the Aura or the Color/s in the Aura are they Important?

The aura's spiraling color vibration field can be seen, felt, and interpreted in an aura reading. Should the color or colors in the aura need healing, an aura healing can take place, bringing the aura into balance.

A well-balanced aura should be balanced all the way around, with the color or colors and their stability (i.e., whether there are any breaks, gaps, or holes as well as the intensity of the color) being carefully noted.

An example; when a murky color is present the aura is out of balance, this is when an aura healing would be helpful.

Can we See the Aura?

There are very few who are gifted to see the aura, however modern day technology allows us to photograph the aura in all its glorious color. An aura camera provides a visual image of how you are functioning mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This allows an aura specialist to give an aura reading and then if needed perform an aura healing.

What are Chakras?

The human body comprises many energy systems and etheric structures, the most important of which are the chakras.

There are seven major chakras that run along the main vertical line of the body.

Chakras regulate the flow of consciousness into and from the body.

Chakras relate to all levels of human life - emotional, physical, mental and spiritual

Why Color Healing?

The history of color healing goes back over 5,000 years, from the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Native American's, and Tibetans to present day practitioners and healers.

The ancient Egyptians wore amulets of colored stones. They wore red to treat diseases and building strength, yellow to create happiness, and green to increase fertility.

Today we use blue light on newborn babies with jaundice in our hospitals.

We know that some prisons use pink rooms to calm the more violent criminal. Also, many police stations use blue rooms for their interrogations, as the suspect is more apt to tell the truth in a blue room.

Why Color Healing? It is a safe nontoxic alternative for healing. It Beats Drugs!!Color Therapy What Is It?

Color Therapy is simple. It consists of applied color or colors and their vibrations to heal.

Treatment modalities include;

• Shining color lights on a person.

• Being in a room painted (or lighted) in a particular color.

• Wearing certain colored clothes.

• Imagining colors shining upon you, while meditating or praying.

• Eating fruits and vegetables of certain colors.

• Wearing Color Therapy glasses.

The eyes convert light (color) into a kind of energy, which travels through our nervous system, and affects all body functions. Studies have shown that when color is introduced to the human system it causes cellular and hormonal changes. This can bring the cells into synchronization or balance.

Color Therapy eye wear is one method of using color. As the color enters the eye it is directed to the hypothalamus gland. It then goes to the pineal gland, which directs it to the pituitary gland. The pituitary governs and regulates hormone production. The brain processes this information, which causes the cellular and hormonal changes to occur.How Does Color Work?

Each color vibrates at a specific, individual frequency, as do the glands and organs of the body.

Each color corresponds to a specific area of the body. Color vibrates true to frequency. It never deviates.

Color is like a vitamin. If you had a vitamin C deficiency you would increase your intake of vitamin C. If you had an excess of vitamin C then you would decrease your intake of vitamin C. Color works the same way.

As an example, if you need to lose weight, then increase the color blue in your life. Do you get migraine headaches? Then increase the color red or indigo in your life. What about depression? You can decrease the color indigo.

You can positively effect many areas of your life and health, through Color and Color Therapy.

Chakras & Chakra Healing?

The Sanskrit word "chakra" literally means "wheel" or "circle".

It is maintained that within the human body is a huge column of moving energy. It is made up of three main channels, which whirl like brightly colored flowers from the top of the head, to the base of the spine.

Where the channels intersect, energy wheels or centers are formed. These are referred to as the chakras. The term Chakra is the most frequently used and descriptive word for the energy points or whirls of energy that exists within in the human body.

We have seven vital chakras (as well as secondary or lesser chakras) located just to the front of the spinal column. The chakras are part of the body's auric energy, and control the inflow and outflow of the life force, also known as Chi, and Vital Force. Each chakra vibrates to a specific color, and each color has both a positive and a challenging meaning.

Dee is a Doctor of Reflexology, Homeopathic Practitioner, Certified Aromatherapist, and Reiki Master.

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