Air Purifiers, Are They Worth The Money?

When you suffer from allergies or asthma, you may think it may be a good idea to purchase an air filtration system for your house. But one legitimate question would be: is it worth paying the money? Experts say that it can ease your symptoms, but that is true only if you make other changes in your environment, too.

These changes concern avoiding the carpeting, finding another place for your pets and using air conditioning during the warmer months in order to get rid of the pollens or allergens. You should as well clean the air filters, the air conditioner filters, and the duct filters every season. Another possibility is not to open your windows and to avoid staying a lot outdoors, during the period when your allergies are acute.

If you have tried all these and didn't find adequate relief, then it may be better for you to think about using an air filter.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as well as the American Lung Association recommends air filtration for those who suffer from allergies and asthma, but not as a solution per-se.

Controlling the pollution and ventilation that can cause allergies is more important; there are arguments on whether filters can give relief from asthma in a house that is clean and well ventilated. Air cleaners may be helpful in some situations and may help reducing allergy or asthma symptoms, but that air cleaning is not the one to reduce consistently the symptoms.

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