How To Cure Your Incurable Nasal Allergy

Immunoglobulin E is an antibody, which is secreted from the white blood cell as a defense agent in our body. It helps us defending bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, which attack our body. Once the immunoglobulin E attaches to the mast cell, histamine chemical will be secreted from this cell. Histamine is the main cause of nasal allergy. It causes the blood vessel in the mucous membranes swelling and leaking of fluid. Swelling causes congestion inside the nasal passages and the leaking of fluid causes runny nose. When the nasal allergy becomes critical, mucous membranes will become inflammatory and itching.

Because the main cause of the nasal allergy is histamine, therefore, scientist has synthesized a few types of antihistamine medications to block the reaction of histamine with its receptors on cells and reduce the severity of the allergic symptoms. These medications are like diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, fexofenadine, loratadine, cetirizine, terfenadine, clemastine and astemizole. Diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, cetirizine and clemastine will cause drowsiness. While, fexofenadine and loratadine will cause less drowsiness. Terfenadine and astemizole won't cause any side effect but they have interact effect with some of the antifungal and antibiotics medication

Besides, corticosteroids hormone is used to reduce the inflammation and itching in the nasal passages. Usually, inflammation is coming together with the nasal allergy. Actually, our body could secrete this hormone by itself from the adrenal gland. It controls the sensitivity of our body immune system. If the level of this hormone in our body is too high, it may cause our immune system inert to the attack from viruses or bacteria. If its level is too low, it will cause us become hypersensitive. Nasal allergy is due to the low level of this hormone. Therefore, applying this hormone onto the mucous membranes (topically) as a nasal spray or taken by mouth (orally) could reduce or prevent inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes by altering the actions of various cells of the immune system. Nowadays, this hormone is the most common medication that the medical doctor will prescribe to the patient who suffers critical nasal allergy. However, utilizing this hormone too frequent could cause some side effects such as burning sensation in the nose, unpleasant aftertaste and nosebleeds.

Nasal allergy could be cured by practicing yoga. Yoga is a stretching exercise combing with deep breathing. Many people are turning to yoga to cure various types of illness such as insomnia, anxiety disorders, back pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia , infertility, menopause, shingles, stress and varicose veins. Practicing yoga is more natural than taking medicine and it does not have any side effect as long as you learn it from a qualify instructor. Once you have mastered the technique, you can practice it anytime when you are free.

Nasal allergy also could be cured using natural crystal. The main compound in the crystal is silicon dioxide. The variety of the crystal color is due to the existence of trace amount of transition elements. Different color crystal has different energy. We can see this energy using aura spectrophotometer. Nasal allergy is due to the insufficiency of certain energy in the patient body. By using crystal, nasal allergy patients can increase this energy in their body by absorbing from the crystal. Crystal is a tool that is used to transfer energy from the earth to our body. Our earth is a living planet and there are a lot of creatures living on its surface. Once the crystal energy has been completely consumed, we usually bury this crystal under the soil and let it absorbs the earth energy. Using crystal to cure nasal allergy is the most economic way and easiest method because it can be wore in our body as a wristlet or necklace whenever we want.

About The Author

Alexander Chong

Author of "How to cure your incurable nasal allergy without using any synthetic drugs, herbs and expensive devices".

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