Radio Or Television - Is One Better Than The Other?

By Kevin Dark

Making the most of your media efforts is important to every organization. Even more important is maximizing your profit potential when advertising through radio, television, and other methods of exposure.

The two most common forms of advertising consist of radio and television. First off, let's talk about how radio spots can be an effective form of advertising.

Radio has many distinct advantages that a media buyer should take into consideration. Radio spots can be had on both local and national levels. This allows targeted marketing efforts to be coordinated. In other words, if you are advertising for a local company, you would be best off using local radio stations. Also, radio can be used in cooperation with other media efforts. Many companies find success in using radio spots to correspond with television efforts, or vice versa. This guarantees that you are reaching as many people as possible, both while at home, and while in the car. Also, it should be remembered that people often listen to the radio while on their way to purchase new products. So, if somebody is on their way to the car dealership to look at a new car, and hear a radio spot advertising for the newest luxury sport utility vehicle, the buyer would be more so inclined to check it out. When used alone, or with another form of media, radio advertising can be most effective and a great way to maximize return on investment.

Now let's talk about advertising via television commercials. To many companies who can afford it, this is the most effective way to reach potential clients. Millions of people spend millions of hour's everyday watching television, including the commercials. During the Super Bowl, advertisers spend millions of dollars on a single 30 second spot. That alone shows that advertisers feel that television is the greatest way to reach the largest amount of the population, with the smallest amount of effort. Like the radio, television spots are also available on both a national and local level. During the Super Bowl advertisers are paying to be seen by everyone watching the game, thus the price increases greatly. On a more local level, companies can place spots on local access television stations. Again, if you are going for a more regional presence, local stations would more than likely be the way to go. It will save you time, and also ensure that you are in front of your most prized customers.

The biggest factor in determining which media to use, outside of who your audience is, would be money. It is much less expensive to run a 30 second local radio advertisement than running a 30 second television spot during the Super Bowl. All of these factors are taken into consideration by the buyer before making a decision.

Overall, both radio and television provide a great way to get your message out. The more research that is done before the buying, the better chance you will have of making the most of your hard-earned money. The next decision will be think about whether you want a 40 inch television or a 35 inch television.

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