What's A Successful Entrepreneur

By Carl Saling

Do you dream of quitting your day job? Do you feel an urge to succeed in business with just a good idea and a lot of hard work?

An unstable economy and rising costs makes most of us too nervous to consider such a radical move. Being a successful entrepreneur requires you have certain qualities and characteristics and a certain mindset.

A successful entrepreneur must have a little of the gambling spirit. You must be willing to risk losing your capital, while realizing the opportunity can also pay off in a big way. You've got to be willing to take the chance. You've also got to be a creative thinker, good planner, well disciplined and organized, persuasive and well funded. Of course, you also need a good product!

That kid selling lemonade on the sidewalk on a hot summer day is a successful entrepreneur. He or she is betting that a cold glass of lemonade will be appealing to a lot of people walking by. He must be sure he's got plenty of lemonade, cups to serve his product, a table and a box for his money to make change for his customers. This describes the entrepreneurial spirit.

Let's look at each element of a successful entrepreneur.

Do you have that gambler's spirit? Remember, if things go wrong, you stand to lose the capital you've invested. Can you accept such an outcome?

Creative, innovative thinking demands inspection of your idea from all angles. Sketch out a number of ways you might execute your plan. There's always at least several different paths. Look for flaws in each preliminary plan. A successful entrepreneur irons out the details before launching the project.

Which brings us to planning and organization: A successful entrepreneur knows the value of these skills. Try to anticipate the monkey wrench you might run up against. Do your homework, and do it thoroughly. You want to eliminate every possibility for failure due to lack of planning. You must be well organized and disciplined, with contingency plans in place when an obstacle presents.

If something doesn't work, you must have a flexible and objective perspective. You can't fall in love with one aspect of your marketing plan simply because you like it. You've got to be willing to give up what doesn't work, and go with what does work.

A successful entrepreneur must be able to persuade people to trust you and buy your product. You've got to be thoughtful, honest and artful to gain real credibility and trust. A charismatic and persuasive nature is another signature characteristic of a successful entrepreneur.

Do you have this marvelous combination of characteristics? It's all about making it happen. As a successful entrepreneur, you must have a fluid, innovative approach. When obstacles arise,as they surely will, you must be able to set your ego aside and be willing to “change lanes” at the drop of a hat.

If you can tackle your objective with these attitudes in place, you can be a successful entrepreneur!

Carl A. Saling III is an online author and internet marketer. He produces many online products. Download over $299 of free internet marketing tools click here free internet marketing tools.

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