How To Xplode Your Earnings
By Brian Plett
In your business to really create wealth, you need to work at something that you really have a passion for. You need to be an independant thinker and have the drive to thrive in the business world. Practice visualization, clearly visualize your goals and dreams. Many atheletes use visualization in there chosen fields. Especially golfers, they visualize a putt going into the hole, before actually putting. There have been numerous studies done, and people that visualize outperform people that don't. Design your business life around your dreams and make them priorities. You need patience in all of this, dreams don't materilize over night. A positive attitude is crucial. In every failure and problem there is a positve, cherish and nurture the positive, it is your friend and companion. Being positive lifts the cloud out of your life and lets the sun shine.
Don't make your business life to cluttered, and concentrate on one action at a time. Be successful in one area before going on to the next project. Multiple streams of income is an excellant idea, and should be pursued, but not all at the same time. You should work at one income stream at a time. The first income stream should be running smoothly, and earning money before you go on to the next income stream.
You can't become independantly wealthy working by yourself. We need other people to work with us, or we need there support. This group of people may include some or all of the following people. This group is family members, banker, supplier and employees. You need this group of people to work with you, or in the very least believe and support you. Getting along with other people is a must. Most people feel once they are financially independant they don't need other people. As you become more financially independant your need for other people will probably be greater. Therefore as you work your business, don't forget your relationship with other people. As you strengthen your relationship and expand friendship base, your goal of financial independance will usually get closer and become more and more clearer.
Continue to recognize your strengths, and really work those areas. If you have natural talent in areas where your business can use them, your road to wealth will be much smoother and shorter. Keep positive, and don't dwell on the failure aspect. The fear of failure keeps most peoples great ideas only that, great ideas! If the fear of failure is great, break it down to see exactly what you fear. It's okay to fear, that's a God given feeling, but to be paralized so we can not function to our best ability is dwelling on the fear of failure to much. We need to learn from failure, and understand every failure brings us closer to our goal of financial independance. You need to be very resilient and determined so that every setback is only temporary. Setbacks are going to happen, but they should be more like speed bumps, slowing us down but not stoping us. The wealthy people do not stop, quit or turn around. If you quit you will never succeed, but detouring around very rough speed bumps is okay. Areas in our life that we achieve easily, are usually not as cherished as when it comes with great difficulty and sacrifice. Therefore we need to be very resilient, but not to break. With every no or indifferent attitude, you are one step closer to the yes and the positive, and closer to your goal of success, and income security.
At all times learn from wealthy successful people. The one thing all successful people have in common is they started. This might seem very simple, but it is crucial, and is very often the biggest obstacle. Most successful people had a dream, and then they persued it. Wealthy people are usually risk takers. They can analize risk, and then they step forward. They continually have there eye on the goal of financial indepenance. You will not find quiters among the wealthy. Very often they have endured hardship, and possibly had many failures, but they didn't quit. You're only a quiter if you give up, as long as you keep bouncing back, success will eventually come. Luck is not in a successful persons vocabulary. Usually what other people see as luck, a successful person sees it as hard work. If you want financial independance then continue to drive and push towards, and wealth will come.
Communication is important in every business. The reason many companies don't xplode and become successful is because they don't comunicate properly. Keep people in your organization informed. This can be in many different ways depending on your individual curcumstance. This can be done verbally by having regular meetings. If this is impractical maybe a regular newsletter would work. Encourage all people in your organization to have input, and give credit to the person who has good input. Maybe even have a contest encouraging people to really come up with new ideas and really get involved in the business. The more people are working and communicating together, your income will continue to expand and will speed up on your goal to wealth and financial independance. As a team you need to all be working and moving in the same direction.
The wealthy think outside the box. Don't just be a follower and do things because they have always been done that way. Think of ways to be different. Change the rules of the game if you can. Try and set yourself apart from others. To do this you have to remove yourself at times and try and look at areas of your business as an outsider would. Business is a reflection of who you are, so lets commit to personal greatness. Think of today and the immediate but also look at the future. Plan for the future, so that you can adapt more readily and be prepared for changes in your business. Remember speed bumps do occur but we do not want dead ends. Be prepared, plan for it.
All of creation bears God's autograph.
Brian Plett writes numerous articles on business. Having been in business for many years and involved in many different businesses. Contact Brian at or visit