5 Sizzling Tips to Creating a Money Making E-book

5 Sizzling Tips to Create a Winning E-book

If you have been looking for a genuine business opportunity on the internet, somewhere along the way, you have heard about creating an e-book. And no doubt, you have read about the thousands of dollars you can make from home publishing. It just gets your juices going to think you could write an e-book and sell it to people all over the World and create an income that can replace your job. The excitement sets in but then the reality hits. You say to yourself, "I hate to write, I failed writing in school, my friends laugh at me because I can't spell."Or, maybe the voice rattling around in your head screaming failure says, "What would I write about, I don't know enough about anything to write a book?"

Here are 5 sizzling tips to help you on your way to creating a winning e-book.

1. The Easy Way

No matter what advice I might offer, there are some of you out there that just don't want to write. The best thing to do is to find people that have already written a quality e-book and will offer you a resale license or agreement. Sometimes it is free if you buy the book which is what I do. And others charge a small fee for the complete resale rights. All in all, for most e-books out there, you can buy them for under $100 with resale rights. A business is born. Try and look for newer e-books and those that would be interesting to you. E-books that make the most amount of money teach you how to avoid pain or how to gain pleasure.

2. Another Great Idea

Go to the top article directories and search for articles in your subject of interest. For example, if you wanted to write a book that helps people save money on their taxes, go to several article directories and look up what articles have been written on that subject matter. If you see twenty great tips that can save people up to $1000 a year or more, you could compile a report that says something like"20 Tax Saving Strategies You Can't Afford to Miss." Of course, you can't use these articles word for word because that is illegal but you can write down your own thoughts and ideas about each of the tips and re-write them in your own words. Now you can market this on the internet and sell it for $39.95. Do you think some reasonable portion of the 265 million people that live in the USA are interested in tax savings? You bet!

3. The Born Writer

Some years ago, Reader's Digest reported that some 70% of people acknowledge they had a book inside of them they wanted to write one day. Most of us have something we want to share but many times just don't know where to get started or feel overwhelmed by writing a whole book. This is where e-books can be fun. Most e-books are about 50 pages long with 12pt type and paragraphs double spaced. They really aren't that long. If you break your e-book down into tips or ideas, it is easier to write. For instance, if you generated 50 tips, you would have one page per tip. That's not so daunting! And, for heaven's sake, write when you feel like writing. I have found that I can write twice as much when I feel inspired. And the quality is oh so much better!

4. What's Hot?

If you are at a loss of what to write about, go to Amazon.com and find out what the best sellers are. They are a wonderful resource for anyone. Let's say your interest is in the top weight loss programs. Order the 3 best selling books, read them and then write your own e-book. If it is a subject matter you are interested in, you'll breeze through the books and have lots of ideas and comments. Even if your interests don't seem like you would have much of an audience, you might be surprised to find out otherwise. Going to Overture and typing in your keyword is always helpful. For most subjects there are thousands if not millions of people that want to know more. If you can provide them with quality information, they will buy from you.

5. Teach What you Know

Most of us have some kind of a specialty but don't recognize our talents. "No talent lies latent." It could be anything from raising a difficult child to coaching basketball. Or it could be related to a job you have held whether it is a mechanic for sports cars or a software developer. Your e-book could simply be teaching someone how to do it better. Or maybe it is how to save time, or money or enjoy life more or to live healthier. People want better lives and if you show them some solutions, you'll sell your e-book. Remember, your e-book doesn't and shouldn't be a novel. Break things down into steps or ideas and the writing will go smoother.

I hope these 5 simple tips have ignited the fire in your brain and inspired you to write that e-book. A business opportunity will be born.

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