E-books Information

How to Leverage Your Business with a Free eBook

Free has a magical property of attracting even the most well to do in our society. People love to get free stuff.

How To Create Your Own Info Product

In the last article we talked about why informational products are the best type of products to sell online. An informational product can be a digital book (known as an e-book), a digital report or a white paper, a piece of software, audio or video files, a web site, an ezine (electronic magazine), or a newsletter.

eBooks: With Courage and Patience, We Are Getting There

Just how do we make the "e" in e-books stand for "easier"? Well,how about this? Let's scrap the existing digital rightsmanagement. Instead everybody in charge of administering DRMwould be re-trained overnight as digital priests.

Ebooks - the Easy Way To Get Published Now!

A friend put the story of his life as a professional magician, film promoter and entrepreneur on paper. It took ten years, two electric typewriters and probably a gallon of correction fluid.

Why The Future Will Always Be Digital Products

Everywhere you go on the Internet, you will find some type of "digitalproduct" on any website. What are "digital products?" Digital productsare any products that you buy and then download to your computeror print to paper.

How to Protect Your Ebooks and Software from Being Stolen!

There are many systems that can lock your software or document, allowing you to control access to that file. But the problem arises with assuming that this will stop all theft.

Online Promotion: 20 Phenomenal Tricks To Sky-rocket Your Traffic And Sales With eBooks

There are many authors who have made a killingwith their ebooks on the internet.How about you?What is your story?Have you published any ebook?How are you doing?Come close and listen up buddy, because I will now reveal to you the little known industry's amazing online promotion secrets that can help you sky-rocket your traffic and sales with your ebooks.

Surefire Way To Find Hot Selling eBook Topics

To become an entrepreneur, you need product ideas.Even more important,YOU NEED PRODUCT IDEAS THAT SELL.

Internet Advertising Solution: 18 Reasons Why Giving Away A free Ebook Can Help Heat Up Your Sales

Sometimes, you may have to give something away in order to get something from others!One thing you can give away easily is an ebook.Below are internet advertising solution and insights to help you.

Convert Productive Articles to Profitable eBooks

How many articles, reports and discussion papers have you written in your life? If you are like most people, these articles have probably been used very little maybe only once. Why not use the work you've already done and create a new product that can improve both your productivity and your profits.

Reflection for Personal and Professional Development

Whatever you can do,Or dream you can, begin it.Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

Write Your eBook - 6 Great Ways to Find the Time

Busy! Busy! Busy!What's new? And who isn't busy?The majority of eBook authors are part-time writers. There are very few professional writers making their living writing non-fiction eBooks.

For Wannabe eBook Authors - 5 Key Questions

Are YOU ready for the eBook authoring adventure? Do you have what it takes to author an eBook? Is there an eBook author inside of you? Are you not sure whether or not you have what it takes to write that book that's been living inside of you for years? Are you reluctant to start writing your eBook, fearing that you won't complete it?Let's examine your attitudes, skills and knowledge that you bring to the eBook authoring process. Let's look at some key questions you can ask yourself to see if your "readiness" for embarking on this authoring adventure is obvious.

30 Truisms About eBook Authoring

The decision to author an eBook is a life-changing decision. The "fallout" from publishing an eBook will change forever the way you see yourself and the way others see you.

How One eBook Author Writes eBooks

How does this eBook writing process actually work for an individual? It is truly a unique experience for all of us. I will share with you some personal thoughts about my process.

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Ebooks - the Easy Way To Get Published Now!
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