Profiting From Writting Your Own Ebook

As you might have heard, the Internet is all about information. Millions of people logon to the Internet each day searching for information. They're searching for everything from health and wellness to love and relationships. People crave information and will pay to get the info they want.

That's why ebooks are the hottest products on the Internet. It's digital information that's downloadable and therefore brings instant gratification to the user. In just a matter of minutes, you can have expert knowledge saved on your hard drive that you can read at your leisure. It can be printed out and made into a regular book. It's an incredible medium for writers and experts who would have before the Internet needed a publisher or magazine to print and sell their knowledge in book form.

The good news is just about anyone can write an ebook and sell it on the internet with virtually no cost. If you happen to be an expert on a particular subject then that's a definite plus but you need not be an expert on a subject to write an ebook. If you think that sounds ridiculous, just think back to your school days. How many times were you given an assignment to write a lengthy report on a subject you knew nothing about? I remember writing several reports in high school and college on subjects I knew nothing about. The end result was always a report that read like an expert on the subject had written it. How did I do it? Research of course. That's how we all did it. That was the whole purpose of the assignment. It was teaching you to conduct your own research and fact finding and then compiling that research into a report. You can use this same technique to write an ebook.

I'm going to reveal my age here. I remember way back in the 70's seeing an ad in a magazine for this rather interesting book. It was titled "How to Pick Up Women." It could only be bought through mail order. Unlike most books of the time the author of this book had an idea for a book that contained valuable information. Well, it was valuable to a whole lot of young men. The problem was that he was no expert on picking up women. So how did he write the book? Once again, research. Only this time the research involved conducting actual interviews with young women. That's right. He just went out and started interviewing the average woman on the street. He asked questions like "what attracts you to a man?" and "what characteristics to you find sexy in a man?" Interestingly enough, there were plenty of women who were willing to give a few minutes of their time to answer questions for a book.

After completing the interviews, he compiled the information into a book and then preceded to print copies of the book himself using an old printing press he had purchased. No publisher wanted to publish his book. They of course changed their minds when they saw how many of the books were selling. The author couldn't keep up with the orders. It seemed there were many thousands of men who wanted this information.

Now, 30 years later nothing has really changed. People are still in search of information. The good news is that you need not purchase a printing press to publish a book. You just need a computer and the power of the Internet. You can write your own ebook and start profiting almost right away. You can sell your ebook over and over again at almost 100% profit.

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