7 Secrets to Explode your eBook Sales! Part 2

Secret #2: Creating your Marketing Timeline for Success!

Copyright 2004 Bluedolphin Crow


You can increase your sales and free time by creatingyour own marketing timeline. Marketing timelines are essential for all Internet businesses. They providenot only organization but a truly well defined goalsheet as well.

To understand your timeline is to understand your business. Can you really know where you are goingif you don't have a goal? I think not! Can youreally tell how well you are doing if you are notlogging your results? I think not again! Canyou really tell what your profit margin is at this moment and will be next month at this timewithout tracking your sales, goals and future plans?

Well I think you know my answer by now.

There is tons of internet marketing "How To" infiramtion online. However have you noticed veryfew people teach you how to organize your information?Well, now you will know.

My marketing timelines include: goals present andfuture, Action plans for today and tomorrow as wellas next month, and last but definitely not least you have a sales tracker as well.

Ok. Now take out a sheet of paper, and for computerlovers, open up your word processing program.

Let's begin with our goal sheet.

On top of the page in BIG letters type: Goal Sheet - Short Term

Now grab another piece of paper, or another page, and on the top of that one in BIG letters type: Goals - Long Term

Next page write in BIG letters: Action Steps - Short term And another page in BIG letters: Action Steps - Long term

One last page in BIG letters write: SALES

Now you have the foundation you need to begin reallyunderstanding your ebusiness as it grows and matures.

Grab a file folder, or on the computer, make a file folder that says: "Marketing Timeline." This folder will hold all your files.

Page one: Short term Goals: Make 3 columns.

Column 1: Date

Column 2: Goal

Column 3: Date completed Goal

Page two: Goals - Long Term: Make 3 columns.

Column 1: Date

Column 2: Goal

Column 3: Date Completed Goal.

Page 3: Action Plans short term: Make 3 columns.

Column 1: Date.

Column 2: Action Steps.

Column 3: Date Completed Action Steps.

Page 4: Action Plans - Long term: Make 3 columns.

Column 1: Date.

Column 2: Action Steps.

Column 3: Date Completed Action Step.

Page 5: Sales tracking - Make 3 columns:

Column 1: date

Column 2: Sales

Column 3: Continuing Total.

I can hear a lot of you out there groaning, "there must be a way to automate this!" and yesthere is! However, I want you to do it manuallywhen you first start your ebusiness. I have found thatthis will not only show you how you are doing and whereyou are and what has to be done to get to where youwant to go. It also helps to seat all the informationin your unconscious brain. Walla! Automating the Brain!

Really, I am serious. By doing this manually you willlearn a lot more in the beginning and not have to learnit as you go along. For those of you that can't wait to automate, I have included links to a lot of automated services and software in my eBook: "eBook Marketing Secrets Revealed."

Have a great week!

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