7 Secrets to Explode your eBook Sales! Part 1

Secret #1: How to write an incredible eBook!

Copyright 2004 Bluedolphin Crow - All Rights Reserved.


I shouldn't be telling you this:

One of the biggest problems that most eBook writers andsellers face is generating eBook sales. It seems likethe Internet is full of "ideas" - however, these"ideas" don't seem to be producing results.

Three reasons come to mind:

Reason # 1: eBooks are not marketed effectively.

Reason # 2: eBook sales pages either do not exist, orthey do not capture the buyers interest.

Reason # 3: The eBook is not written and/or organizedwell.

So many of us hear about the big boom in eBook sales.Most of us have read articles and/or eBooks teachingus that we should have our own product out there tobe successful.

Well all of that is true. However, where the "ideas"fall short of producing results is in all threereasons listed above.

That is the reason I am writing this 7 part articleseries for you. In it you will learn how to correctall three reasons above and much more!

Look at what you'll be learning:

Secret #1: How to write an incredible eBook!

Secret #2: Creating your marketing timeline for longterm success!

Secret #3: How to create an avalanche of sales withfreeware/shareware sites!

Secret #4: Creating passionate articles will explodeyour sales!

Secret #5: How to build steady sales for years tocome with eBook Directories!

Secret #6: Creating momentum and identity throughBook Sellers!

Secret #7: How to create a mountain of sales usingmultiple Royalty Publishers!

Ok, now there is no time like the present. So letsbegin:

Secret #1: How to write an incredible eBook!

Why is it essential to you're marketing successto write an incredible eBook?

Gone are the days of taking marketing informationand regurgitating it in a different manner. Thenpublishing it as an eBook and moving on.

Today people on the web want information. However they are looking for NEW information. New ways of doing things. Not the same old, same old, wrapped in a new cover.

So, with this in mind how do you write an incredible eBook you might be wondering?

Let me first assure you it is not as difficultas you might first suspect.

First, lets set into place the basic foundationsteps for your eBook.

Answer the questions in the following steps.

Step 1: What is the main focus of your eBook.In other words, what do you want the readerto take away after reading your eBook?

Step 2: What kind of research do you need to do?

Step 3: What is the order you have to divide yourinformation into?

Now, as you answer the above questions openly andhonestly you will build the foundation of your eBook upon which you can build a successfulmarketing blueprint.

Great! Now it is time for you to begin the basicplan for your eBook.

Step 4: Write a mission statement of why you arewriting this eBook.

Step 5: Write out what makes your eBook differentfrom all the rest. For example do you have exclusiveinformation, an original format, and/or an exclusiveoffer?

Great! Now you're on a roll. Let's begin the finalphase of planning your eBook.

Step 6: Using all the information above and yourresearch, write out a table of contents.

Step 7: Now rewrite the table of contents into hotselling sentences. For example: instead of Chapter 1: How to increase your eBook sales. Use: 7 Secrets to explode your eBook sales!

Step 8: Write your eBook introduction.

Step 9: Write the forward to your eBook.

Step 10: Write out the closing statement to your eBook.

Step 11: Create a plan of action to finish writing youreBook. Take at least one plan of action step a day!

Step 12: Reread your eBook and correct grammar, punctuation and typographical errors. Try to have atleast one other person read and correct your eBookas well.

Wonderful! You have now finished your first eBook.

Next week we continue with this seven part series with:

Secret #2: Creating your marketing timeline for longterm success!

Have a great week!

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