Empowering Vision

Playing Our Part:

Sir Michael Costa was conducting a rehearsal, in which the orchestra was joined in a great chorus. About half way through the session, with the trumpets blaring, drums rolling, and violins singing their rich melody, the Piccolo player muttered to himself, "What good am I doing? I might as well not be playing. Nobody can hear me anyway!" So he placed his instrument to his lips but made no sound. Within moments the conductor cried, "Stop! Stop! Stop! Where is the Piccolo?" Although it's sometimes hard to see, it's true that often the smallest and seemingly least important instrument can make the greatest contribution. So it is with our life.

I have worked for the past twenty years advising and assisting people to find their personal and corporate vision. My instrument is the capacity to support others in the journey of discovering vision; vision in life and vision in business! As a coach, we have an awesome privilege and are in a unique position to play our part. For all of us, our performance isn't complete until we do our best with what we have. This requires vision!

Defining Vision:

"An informed bridge from the present to the future"
"Seeing the invisible and making it visible"
"Sanctified dreams" -Gerge Barna
"Vision for purpose is a clear mental image of a preferable future".

Vision is the filter by which all other decisions are made and as such it must be owned, because it will take you beyond anything you have experienced before. Vision can be distinguished within your personal mission or your corporate purpose.

It's specific and so can't be all things to all people. If you try to make it so, you usually end up betraying your vision.

As a coach, my primary responsibility is to positively facilitate people through transition.From childhood to adolescence, adolescence to adulthood, from singleness to partnership, unemployment to employment, from sickness to wholeness, from crisis to resolve, failure to success, from poverty onto prosperity.

How can any of us face such daily challenges without a vision of the preferable outcome?

Identifying and prioritizing your vision has to be the best response to self-doubt. It empowers you with it's purpose and direction - it becomes your compass and your map!

"A person's visionary capacity will determine the outcome!"

Organisations led by people without a clear mental vision often experience symptoms of frustration within and a slowing down of momentum. They have no compass or map and as such, sometimes attract individuals that are happy to remain lost.

On the other hand, an organisation that has established its core values and vision will actually attract visionaries to it.

The buy in factor for visionaries - people who have force within, compelling forward momentum - goes way beyond natural circumstances and into the realm of values. The value you get out of vision is priceless. The amazing thing about defining and developing vision is that it is never impoverished. It will reward in the end, way beyond your expectations. What value would you put on the potential of vision within your organisation?

Vision is the awakening of our life's purpose and is the force that compels us forward. It attracts people of similar spirit. It will empower you and overcome obstacles.

It stands for something, rather than falling for anything!

Coaching provides one of the greatest avenues to develop vision, accountability, encouragement and empowering questions, all serve to build strategies for vision.

As well as a wealth of free downloads online, many of the books I have written are on sale via the website - and a variety of Coaching options are all there, at your service, to build your vision.

Tony Mckeown is a personal life coach and director of coaching 4 life New Zealand. He has a passion for empowering people to find their life mission and purpose. He has authored training manuals, motivational articles, numerous e-books and regularly hosts international tele-classes and conferences on vision.

He produces a monthly newsletter "get a life", and provides free downloads from his coaching site: http://www.coaching4life.net.nz

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