A Call To Do Better

I'm calling you out. Issuing a Challenge. Relax, It's not to a dual or anything quite that complicated or dramatic.

Here's what I'm thinking...

The thought has occurred to me how much better the whole world would be if I, in my own way were able to be a better person myself and get 10 others to focus on themselves and do the same. What do I mean? Glad you asked. Listen up--

There are reason's and examples all around us so that those of us with any understanding at all should be able to realize we have simply got to do better.

We must do better at connecting with one another. Real connection. Connection that understands one persons downfall is a step in the wrong direction for all of us. Connection that brings sadness to your heart when another human fails to reach their own full potential or gets sucked into one of life's many black holes. I don't think our current methods of connecting is the way things are supposed to be. Example, When did it become OK to get joy from seeing others struggle. Don't say it's not happening. We all know it is.

Doing better starts with realizing that we are more alike than we are different. We as a race, as in human, have many more things in common than we do differences. Don't just take my word for it, examine it. We all, every one of us, have basically the same hopes and desires. We all feel the same feelings, and we're all wanting the same things. Doesn't it just make sense then that we should be helping one another more as a way of moving forward individually?

Doing better is realizing that we are all connected.

Doing better is realizing that those few areas where we do differ is a good thing. My being able to share your experiences through you and vice versa is a positive, isn't it?

Doing better is taking the time to understand the perspective of the person you feel you have conflict with. What do they know that you don't about the situation? Go find out, ask them. Hash it out. Why do they feel that way about the point in question? Feel it with them. Gain their perspective.

We have got to do better. If we don't who's going to?

And so the challenge is this-

Do better. Be better.

Look to connect with those you come in contact with. I mean really connect. Talk with them. Feel with them. Appreciate what they've gone through to get to the point where they are. Find out what you might be able to do to help them get to where they want to be, then help them get there. That would be doing better. Being better.

It's quite simple really. Life is relationship. Relationship is life. You want a better life? Create better relationships.

As always, thanks for tuning in.

Live some. Love some. Learn some. Everyday.


Clyde Dennis, a.k.a. "Mr. How-To" has been writing and publishing Articles and Newsletters online since 1999. Clyde's company EASYHow-To Publications provides "How-To" information on How-To do, be or have just about anything one can imagine. For more information visit http://www.EASYHow-To.com. Email correspondence for Clyde should be sent to: cdennis@easyhow-to.com

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