The Story "From the Chicken Coop"?

Many years ago my grandfather, had a small farm andchickens. One morning he sent me out to the chicken coop tocollect fresh eggs. He became concerned when I didn't returnafter a shot interval. When he came looking for me I jumpedwith joy, but he saw tears in my eyes and noticed that I was inan adjacent empty chicken coop, which could be entered onlythrough the same door as the occupied coop.

When he noticed my distress and asked, "What was wrong?"I told him tearfully, "that nasty rooster, who was now docile, inmy grandfather's presence, came pecking after me and allthe hens started cackling, which scared me, and I ran into thenext coop for safety." He took me by my hand and we walkedright by the now quiet nasty rooster and comfortable nestinghens. We sat under the apple tree, and he related thefollowing story. "Did you notice how that rooster and hensbehaved when I came in? Totally different than when you firstcame in." I shouted, "The rooster and hens seemed topounce on me."

My grandfather then said, "That's a new rooster the neighborgave me. All your life you are going to come across peoplewho will act like that rooster and hens. Only in different ways!It's natural for that rooster to protect his coop and his hens.The rooster is the leader and the hen's followers. Same withpeople! It doesn't matter whether they are men or women.There will always be people who will try to lead your life and ifyou let them, you will become like the hens."

"But to be the leader, you have to first be able to lead yourown life and be the rooster of your actions. You can be likethe rooster leading the hens, only they will be people. Most ofus in life are followers, like the hens and some stay hidden intheir own chicken coops, like you did."

"That doesn't mean that the rooster in us is bad or nasty, likethe one you just experienced, that's just the way some peoplenaturally are, at least in their own minds. But did you noticethe respect and the way he quieted down when I came in? Hesaw me in his perception as a bigger, stronger and probablysmarter rooster than he is. Which I am and so are you. Butyou didn't think or believe it strong enough for him to perceiveit. Next time before you walk in, believe that that rooster isjust a tiny, sweet chirping chick, and those hens are layingbeautiful golden eggs, that we can have for breakfast."

Then he did the smartest move and took me back to thechicken coop, walked away and said "now go in and pickthose golden eggs for breakfast." Strange, even while I wasstill scared I boldly walked into the chicken coop, ignored therooster and picked up our golden eggs for breakfast.

As we ate breakfast, he chuckled "don't you ever forget," ashe whimsically smiled at my grandmother, "that you willalways meet the roosters and hens in your life. But it's therooster in you and all of us that separates you from the heand she hens! And will keep you "From the ChickenCoop"?.

Copyright © 2004 Ted Borgeas, All Rights Reserved
Ted Borgeas, Author, 35 years Self-Coaching Yourself.
Helps people get insight on Life's Challenges.
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