Are You At The Point Of No Return?

There is a point at which everything becomes simple and there is no longer any question of choice, because all you have staked will be lost if you look back. Life's point of no return." -Dag Hammarskjold

There comes a time in your life when the resolve to act on your ideas is so compelling that you can no longer afford to be complacent. It is at this time that you decide to overcome every obstacle in your path, push yourself hard and do whatever it takes to experience the success you have always desired!

This is the moment of action?the moment when you reach the point of no return!

It is not always easy to turn an idea into reality or even continue the process of fulfilling it. The power of sticking with the dream to the end is often lacking and is constantly tested by many obstacles. The are usually many insecurities to deal with, financial and social pressures, courage to be gathered, time to be invested, different hats to be worn and roles to be played as you strive to accomplish your goals.

The difficulty of the task and the overwhelming responsibility of what needs to be done to ensure success is usually enough to dissuade you from continuing on the journey to success.

However, if you really want to accomplish something, you have to greatly desire the prize, focus on the goal and on the finish line. You must be willing to take risks, great and small and plunge yourself into the experience and journey of achievement. You must reach the point of no return!

Your answers to the questions below will help you discover whether you have reached the point of no return in pursuit of achievement.

As you consider your idea, dream, goal or project?

Are you at the point where you are ready to give it 100% or nothing at all?

Is staying on neutral ground, stagnating and inaction a bad idea?

Do you feel that you can't just give up or stop the activity until you complete it?

Have you have gone too far to stop and invested too much to surrender?

Is your argument to win more persuasive than your argument to lose?

Is your decision to advance more compelling than your decision to retreat?

Answering yes, to at least three of the above questions, is a sign that you have reached the point of no return and are ready to take your idea, dream, goal or life to a whole new level. Your attitude is right and you are ready to make a run for the finish line!

About The Author

Caroline Jalango is a life coach for unstoppable women who are willing to step up to the plate and take a shot at living exceptional lives wherever they are.

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