Overcoming Fears And Unproductive Thinking

You might sometimes wonder whether your dedication and sacrifice will pay off as your intended goals. There isn't a person on earth who wants to invest their time, effort, and money into something that eventually will result in a disappointment.

It's vital to become aware of the extent to which you follow this trend of thinking.Often times you may not have had sufficient exposure and development of your goals for positive results to be born. Thus a lack of experience has equated into a lack of results. During such times you might be afraid to face disappointment to the degree of avoiding taking even the initial action required towards achieving your goals.

Courage is acting despite of fear.

It's important to act and follow through with your planned actions despite fears and desires to avoid pain and disappointments.

Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever. - Lance Armstrong

At the end its how much victory you have achieved, rather than how much pain you have avoided.

The only way to know is to do.

You might seek assurance that your goals will be achieved fully as planned, and desire to predict exactly the way things will turnout. You must realize that the only way to know an outcome is to act. That's how life works. Action produces results.It's similar to wanting to know what's behind a closed door, yet avoiding putting in the key and turning the lock open. The only way to find out an outcome is to put in the effort, and follow through with the planned course of actions. Only then will the doors open, and the outcomes unfold.

Self-belief is the first step to achieving your goals.

People have achieved tremendous things, despite experiencing fears and doubts.

Why? Simple. They believed in their abilities to achieve their goals, and held strong to their desires to make their goals and dreams come true.

Acting despite of your fears towards achieving your goals will develop a great and vital characteristic, which is courage.

It's your desire to achieve your goals, and the belief in your abilities that determines the outcomes of your actions.

You live in a world where everything is possible if you choose and desire so.

Ultimately, you are the master of your life, and the dictator of your chosen destiny.It is in your hands to decide your abilities and potentials in regards to your goals and endeavors.

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.

Believing in your abilities, desiring to achieve your goals, and giving your full focus and effort, will ultimately ensure your success.

You can also contact Mike at Mike@RepsOfPain.comAnd Visit his website at www.repsofpain.com

Mike Vainshtein, a bodybuilder and motivational speaker, shares his power mental and motivational strategies to take your bodybuilding and life goals to a higher level of performance, quality, and results.

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