10 Powerful Tenets Of Personal & Professional Leadership Using The Law Of Attraction

Leadership is an innate ability in all of us. Using the principals of the Law of Attraction to strengthen our leadership and consciously use it in our personal and professional endeavors will not only attract more success to us it will allow us to be of service to others and make a valuable contribution. These 10 powerful tenets will help you stay focused on Attraction based Leadership.

1. Leading from Partnership- Successful leadership calls for cooperation, collaboration and being in partnership with others. This partnership can be directly related to those who you lead and it can be with others who are supportive and give you guidance and leadership. Stepping out of your own mind and out of yourself in partnership with others will inspire people to contribute to the whole and follow your leadership.

2. Willingness to be Fully Responsible- There are no excuses and no justifications. Your thoughts and feelings create everything in your life. Once you are willing to be fully responsible for what a powerful creator you are you will choose what you focus on more carefully and create only what you truly desire. Leading by example you will support others in being fully responsible for themselves.

3. Mastering of Energy and Detail- Successful leadership is to be aware of your energy vibration and whether you have low, slow, resistant energy. Or high, fast, allowing energy. The higher your vibration the more connected you are to Source energy. By mastering how you flow your energy and the details of what you want to accomplish you will attract people with the same energy vibrations. As you attract more people with the same clear high vibrations leadership will be simple and effective because the exponential power of all of you working in concert will draw the outcomes you seek more rapidly.

4. Empathy and Understanding- Shifting your perspective to the shoes of those you lead will allow you greater insights into what is important to them and how their views are colored by their perspective. From this new vantage point you can lead them to actions that give them valuable solutions and help them shift; moving their thoughts and energy into alignment with the higher vibration of the group.

5. An Enjoyable Personality- If your leadership flows with the Law of Attraction this will be very easy for you. Because your focus will be on possibility not problems, abundance not lack, intention not expectations. You will draw these qualities out of others and the blend of your vibrations will be an enjoyable connection.

6. The habit of Going beyond Expectations- Going beyond what you are paid to do, what is expected of you or what you want for yourself will be effortless because all of your actions will be inspired actions. The ideas, creativity, solutions and opportunities will just flow because the Law of Attraction is like a big photocopier; it brings you more of what you set out.

7. Confidence of plans- All things are possible. A leader's vision of what is desired and the possibilities to be fulfilled are the foundation for inspired plans. Contemplating all of the circumstances that will accompany the fulfillment of the vision gives form, power, and momentum to the inspired plans. The leader's gift is to share the confidence of plans and hold the vision for others.

8. Forward thinking Self-Talk- Four areas of Self-Talk arise as obstacles to leadership and success. Lack, what is but is not wanted, what has gone before, and what others forecast. Leadership with the Law of Attraction shifts these areas of Self-talk in themselves and those that follow. Being conscious, focusing forward on what is wanted, with clear intention being the guide for inspired actions.

9. Passion of Decisions- Leaders make decisions from convictions of vision and success. By connecting to Source each choice, each decision brings more passion and more excitement. Like a vacant energy conduit the passion of decision flows and everyone in the group contributes ideas and creativity that add to everyone's success.

10. Choosing Free Will- Free will is about choosing to open your connection to Source or to pinch yourself off and be resistant to the brilliance of who you are. The simplest answer to "How" you accomplish success is to say "Yes" to Source and allow the Law of Attraction to work with great abandon.

©BZ Riger-Hull. Author of The Soul of Success http://www.allowingprosperity.com she is certified as an Attraction Coach, Prosperity Guide, Four Agreements Facilitator & Tele-Course leader. Start THRIVING in your Career, Business, Relationships, Bottom Line & Life. Receive $535 in free services take the 90 Day ALLOWING PROSPERITY CHALLENGE. The only risk to doing business with us is achieving success beyond your wildest expectations. mailto:BZ@allowingprosperity.com

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