How to Attract Wealth

Have you been struggling with making ends meet? Are you tiredof not having enough? Then I am sure you will benefit enormouslyby reading on...

A few months ago, I came across a book that really impactedmy life in a very profound way. I have been an avid readerof self-help, personal growth books, tapes, workshops... youname it, I've done most of them. I am truly commited to myself-awareness and self-improvement. But for some reason ( orhigher source) this book especially spoke to me, to my soul.

What attracted me to it, other than the wise words, was thatit was written by a woman. But what most impressed me wasthat she wrote these increadibly eye-opening concepts100 years ago! I just couldn't believe that under such limitingcircumstances (married at 14, divorced mother of two by 20,working single mom and without the right to even vote!) shewas able to pull herself up and build a loving family (re-married), start a very successful business and tour the countryas a lecturer, teacher, and healer.

So, through her difficult experiences she has left us a trueunderstanding of what life is really about: loving, healing,sharing, teaching, embracing, acceptance, living in spiritual abundance, and yes, wealth.

From her writings I have come to understand thetrue meaning of "wealth". I hope you enjoy and embrace her words into your own life.

"This was really the beginning of my 'demostration' over poverty. I told you how I threw off even the burden of my debts,and said: 'if God wanted them paid he could send the money.'Now I saw he did want them paid and meant to send the money as fast as I attracted it.

Then I set to work with good will to understand the law of wealth and live it! I meant to make of myself a magnet which should draw gold and silver and greenbacks, insteadof steel fillings. I meant to let the spirit of me (God), lead meinto the ways of wealth - out of the ways of poverty into theways of plenty and peace and pleasantness.

I had been years making a healthy woman of myself, nowI meant to charge myself with real dynamic power forattracting money. I meant to be so right with the kingdomof Good that good money would not only follow me butcatch up with me.

I went filling myself up on I-shall-be-wealthy statements.I could see no results, but I kept at it. For hours a day, whilst busy at all sorts of work, I poured in those futuretense statements. I kept it up for months inspite of thefact that I could see little results if any. I could havekept my soul and body together on the money I took in,but there were other souls and bodies to be kept, and still those old ends that would not quite meet, even yet.

Then suddenly it came to me one day that I was puttingoff my wealth to some future time. I must claim wealthNOW. Then I began to say, I AM wealth - I AM. I said it actually millions of times. And I tried to imagine it true,and to live up to it. When I had not money enough to buy a thing needed I consoled myself by calling itmine anyhow - as we used to do when we were children.When we needed something and I did have the dollar forit I imagined that dollar as one of a boundless store, andI spent it willingly, smilingly. I blessed it and bade it good-speed. I took infinite pains to get into the wealthyattitiude of mind over the spending of every fivecent piece that went through my purse. You see,I used to squeeze every nickel and hate to partwith it, because I saw 100 places where it 'ought' to go.Now I was taking great pains to spend as the truly wealthy spend, with that sense of plenty always in reserve."

I have been in this same mind-set many, many times.And I suspect many of you have as well.So when I started to read this book and to practicewhat the author did herself, I began to see the sameresults for myself. Now, when I find myself having "poverty thoughts" I go back and re-read thischapter. Her book sits on my nightstand becauseI always go back to it!

So if you have been in this position andwould like to read more about this author and her eye-opening concepts and practices please visit us at:www.SuccessSecretsforWomen.comwhere you can learn more about her life and let her be your mentor too!

To your growing success,

Romy Macias
Living Success
P.O. Box 132646
The Woodlands, TX

If you would like to read more about this amazingauthor and her concepts and practical advice,please visit us at:http://www.SuccessSecretsforWomen.comSign-up for our free mini-course, I know youwill enjoy it and benefit from it.

To your ever growing success,

Romy Macias

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Article by Romy Macias, publisher ofSuccess Secrets for Women"At Last...A Woman's Success Blueprint for Health, Wealth, and Wisdom written bya Woman for Women!"

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Living SuccessP.O. Box 132646The Woodlands, TX77393-2646

© Living Success.

More Resources

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