Success Through a Supercharged Network

I have finally come to believe something about myself because so many peoplehave said the same thing to me - I mean the EXACT same sentence - over thepast year. It is about something about me that others notice, which quitefrankly, just comes so naturally to me that I have never noticed before.

Itis a characteristic that, when applied to your life, will enable you to livethe life you have always dreamed of because it will put you in the middle ofrelationships that will literally propel you to success! You see, no onelives their dreams without a lot of help from other people. I know a lot ofsuccessful people and all along the way, they all had others you went to batfor them and gave them a helping hand.

So, you are probably wondering what it is that I discovered about my self,aren't you?

Here is what I hear a lot:"Chris, you know more people than anyone I know."

Here are some other variations:"Chris, you are the most connected person I know.""Chris, your network includes almost everyone!"

So I started thinking about it and I realized some things.

In the last year I have put people together, as in "Call this guy. He'llhelp you. Tell him I told you to call." so many times that I am guessingthere will be at least $500,000 worth of business done and maybe that muchagain in salaries made.

Do you remember the "Six Degrees of Separation" principle? It says that mostpeople on earth are connected by only six people connections - i.e. I knowyou who knows Joe who knows Sue etc until you get to the other person. Mostpeople can do this with any other person in just six degrees. The moreconnected you are, the less degrees - and the easier it is to accomplishwhat you want to accomplish. So I started thinking and I came to theconclusion that most connections for me are two degrees and even the"toughies" are just three. Don't ask me to pass word on to the Presidentthough - he's busy!

Now, let me say this: I am not bragging at all (though I am sure it soundslike it, which is why I was a little reluctant to write about this topic).In reality, this is something I had never really thought about until justrecently.

And, after thinking about it, I believe ANYONE - yes, even you - can havethe same kinds of network! ANYONE! Why do I believe this? Because I startedthinking about what has made my network so supercharged and it comes down toa few simple basics that anyone can do. I am no better than anyone else atall. My Supercharged Network has nothing to do whatsoever with me beinganymore talented or intelligent than anyone else! It has to do with a basicunderstanding of human nature and the nature of relationships as well as howto apply some principles that will maximize your relationships so you canlive the life you have always dreamed of!

You can have a Supercharged Network too! Here are ten "secrets" to successthrough a supercharged network.

Be successful. Successful people are sought out. If you succeed at what youput your mind and heart to, you will be sought out by other successfulpeople. Yes, many unsuccessful people will seek you out as well, but that isthe high price you pay to put yourself into the rank of those who succeed!Do your best, accomplish much and watch your network grow!

Be nice. If you are a jerk people will write you off and will quit takingyour phone calls as well as avoid the people you recommend. I am amazed athow many people will sabotage their own success because they aren't nice topeople.

Love to learn. Developing a network is about learning. You need to learnabout each person you come in contact with. You need to learn human nature.You need to learn how people work together. And this is fascinating stuff!If you do this simply to network, people will realize you are a phony. Andphonies get left outside of the network. I truly love to learn!

Like people. I genuinely like people. There is always a mystery with people,always something new and exciting. Okay, sometimes they burn you, butgenerally speaking I like people - and that gets noticed. People like to beliked. They like to take phone calls from people who like them. They like todo business with people who are referred by people who like them. Don'tpretend to like people - like people!

Listen. Listen to people. Listen to what makes them tick. Listen to theirlikes and dislikes. Listen to their dreams and fears. Listen to theirhobbies. Listen to what they do. I once got a job for a guy who I couldn'teven explain what he did. But I knew enough to know that when a guy I wasstanding in an elevator next to (3000 miles from my home) was talking aboutsomething I didn't understand, the two things I didn't understand matchedup! I turned to the guy in the elevator and told him I knew just the guy forthe job he was talking about. He looked condescendingly at me as though Icouldn't possibly understand what he was talking about (give him credit - Ididn't), and assured me that I was probably mistaken. This was a very nichejob he assured me. I simply asked him for the website address and theposition. He told me the website and that the position was for the CEO job.Within an hour my friend sent an email to my "friend" in the elevator. Twoweeks later he was the CEO of the company! B-I-N-G-O!

Pursue "big-shots." Face it; big-shots know more people than little-shots!So it helps to know big-shots. Now this takes some chutzpah! First, you haveto deal with your own self-esteem. You have to understand that you are moreworthy than you think you are. Secondly, you have to deal with your esteemof the big-shot. Big-shots are really just little-shots with a bigger title(And they are usually more interesting. Think about it: Even a pompousblowhard big-shot is more interesting than a pompous blowhard little-shot.One brags about how they sat around and watched reruns while the other sitsaround bragging how they took over another company, which is definitely moreinteresting).

Most of the big-shots I know are the nicest people you would want to know.Very few of them are jerks or think too highly of themselves. Once youfigure this out, call them and introduce yourself. Go up to them at themeeting and say hello. Note: This doesn't mean bother them at dinner orinappropriate times - I have seen famous people in public and my friendswill say, "Let's go talk to him." I NEVER do. They are busy with theirfamilies for crying out loud! Bugging them is the best thing you can do toCLOSE your network. What I would do is walk past and nonchalantly nod helloto them. They will appreciate that you knew who they were and left themalone. Then, if you need to, drop them a line or call their office. Theywill remember you and return the favor for not bugging them like everyoneelse does!

Be helpful.Help those who you network with. Always be helpful. If someone needssomething you can provide for him or her, or someone you know can providefor them, be sure to offer the help. Nothing bonds a friendship (and that isreally what we are talking about here - I want as many friends as I can get)like helping someone out. I can't tell you how many times someone has beensaying that they needed this or that and I said, "Do you know so and so? Hecan help you." They got the phone number and usually a few weeks later theycall and say thanks. Additionally, this only builds on itself as yournetwork grows.

Help others via those who you network with. Here is what I mean. Give peoplethe opportunity to help other people. For example, one time I knew someonewho was going on a medical mission and needed to get some pharmaceuticalsupplies soon and at cost. I knew virtually no one in the industry but I didknow an executive of a large company in a state that has more than it'sshare of drug companies. I figured he had to know somebody. It was a shot inthe dark but it worked and the executive felt great being able to tap hisnetwork for the sake of needy kids in another country.

Keep records. Names, dates, phone numbers, addresses. Anything to help youremember people. Harvey Mackay has his "Mackay 66" which I think is toolong, but it is the right idea. Take notes and use the information to buildyour network. Somebody needs tickets to a State U. football game? Call thatlady in accounting that graduated there. She can help!

Give more than you ask for. Ultimately you have to be more of a giver than ataker. Otherwise you are more of a leech on the side of a network than youare a part of the network. Give to others any time you can help, have theresources, or know someone who does. This will make you a valuable asset inthe network and people will want you around and active in the network.

Be social. The final idea is simply to be social. The more people you know,the wider your network will be. Not everyone will be a big part of yourworking network, but even those who aren't offer you one of the mostcherished things on earth - friendship.

If you want to be successful in this life it will take the help of otherpeople. We pursue relationships for relationships sake, not to use people.But we are wise enough to know that the people we develop friendships withare people who we can help and be helped by - so all of us can achieve ourdreams! Take the above to heart and you will surely Supercharge YourNetwork - which in turn will put you on track to live the life of yourdreams!

About The Author:

Chris Widener is a popular speaker and writer as well as the President of Made for Success, a company helping individuals and organizations turn their potential into performance, succeed in every area of their lives and achieve their dreams.

To see Chris "live" at the upcoming Jim Rohn Weekend Event as he speaks on the subject of Secrets of Influence go to or call 800-929-0434.

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