Be Not Afraid of Greatness

Have you noticed how the workplace seems to be a little more stressful if not downright hostile, how each day you feel a little more reluctant to get out of bed to go to a job you don't really like. Have you noticed how the workday seems a little longer and the job a little less fulfilling. Have you noticed how those you worked their business seem a little less appreciative of you, how they ask more of you, for less of their substance. Have you noticed how what they pay you seem to do a little less and how your bills seem to grow a little bigger than your pay packet. Have you noticed that little tug at your heart that keeps pulling you away on a path to self-actualization. Have you heard that little voice deep within you that says "strike out on your own".

It is not as if there are no fulfilling jobs out there or as though there are not those who make do with their check. There are. But the simple truth is that the majority of us are not. We get by each day, weighed down by the demands of our time and our personal circumstances.

Not too long ago, I was just one such poeple. I was burdened, edgy, unfulfilled, hungry but looking. I was not just looking, but I was looking for something specific. I was looking for something I can do from home, on my own and at my own pace. But what could I do?

I thought about going into business but I had been there and it was disastrous. There was only one medium that could offer me the things I was looking for and that is the internet. But the internet was too big for me. I was a small thinker, even though I had done things that I thought were larger than I think.

But internet or not, to really make a lot of money, you have to work long and hard hours. Right? Yes, right and no, wrong. Right if you don't know what you are doing and wrong if you do. There are only 24 hours in a day and you need sleep and rest. The key is in using technology to leverage yourself and your time, even as you rest and sleep.

You know, someone once said, "if your are not making money while you sleep, you will never get rich. That makes good sense, since there is so much you can do in a day. However, with the right knowledge, the right mind, some determination, and the right technology, you may not become a Bill Gates, but you may become comfortable or even very comfortable. But wait a minute you may say, how is it possible to make money while you sleep? The answer is in the "I" word.

But this is not just about making money while you snooz away. It is about making a living doing what you most enjoy doing. Malcolm S. Forbes (1919-1990), once said, "The biggest mistake people make in life is not making a living at doing what they most enjoy."

Truth is, you can make a living doing what you love doing. And not just your professional things but any thing that is of value and imparts knowledge to others, especially special knowledge. And aren't we all walking encyclopedia and living museums of sorts.

Wealth, I have learned is not something you pursue, but something you attract by the person you become. My challenge to you is to become that person that attracts wealth, not just financial wealth, but wealth in relationships, family, faith and all, and people will beat a path to your door to give you their money even while you sleep.

This is not about how to make money alone. It is about going to work on yourself by adding value to yourself. This is about how to make money with whatever knowledge that you have. It is about becoming knowledgeable about how to package the knowledge in your head and selling it to people.

People will pay you good money to loan your brain, and if you are able to loan your brain to millions of people at the same time, even while you sleep, that translates to even bigger opportunities. The test is in having the staying power to explore, to learn and to implement.

Jim Rohn once said, "We go the direction we face, and face the direction we go." For those who don't know Jim Rohn, he is one of the greatest business and inspiring minds of our time. My question to you is, where are you facing? When you wake up tomorrow morning, are you going to be facing a future filled with hope and excitment, or a dead end job that you hate and despise? Are you one of those millions of the world,s masses traped in a dead end job, who wake up every monday morning with a heart attack, still living under the illusion of building wealth with a corporate job and retirement plan? You can change all that starting today.

If you are here and have read this far, I beleive you have already won half the battle. You have shown that you have the staying power to succeed. You have shown a determination to win. You can attract wealth by the person you become and all that you need now are the nuts and bolts to stitch all this together.

Are you afraid of greatness? You should not. William Shakespear, once said, "Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness trust upon them." Remember, if you never go out on a limb, you will never get the fruit.

Austin Akalanze is an avid watcher of VoIP

More Resources

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