To Be Or Not To Be, Visible That Is...

Stepping outside your old limitations and 'out of the box' of suppression, habits, and old family patterns, you open yourself to a newer, freer form of expression. This form is more expansive and begins to let people see more of who you really are. It gives people a glimpse of the real you that's been hiding under the compacted energy of fears, restrictions and limitations. It means you are becoming more visible.

What do I mean by 'visible'? It means that your inner Light begins to eek out from the cracks in your old energy/body armor.

"There is a crack, a crack in everythingthat's how the light gets in."

~ Leonard Cohen

It means you are feeling better about yourself and the joy that naturally exists deep down in your being is starting to find its way to the surface in little bits and pieces. And that little bit of joy and Light can be seen by others.

Have you ever been in a room full of people when someone walks in the door and everyone stops and stares? You notice how everyone in the room is drawn to this particular person? What about them is so fascinating, so appealing? What is it that draws everyone to them? It's their natural radiance of inner Light. You've heard the phrase, "Oh, she just has this 'aura' about her." Simply put- it is about the aura. Your aura is the energy body that exists around your physical body and emanates up to 2 feet around you at any given moment. When you are more subdued or suppressed, your energy body shrinks and is tighter to the body. When you are open, feeling clear and expanded, it reaches out and can seem to fill the entire room.

This aura, or subtle energy body is what other's feel when that 'popular' person enters the room. The energy field of the person is expanded and is radiating Light. Others 'feel' it on a sensory level and are immediately drawn to it like a moth to a flame. It's like being a magnet.

When you are radiating your Light and you are 'visible', your inner self is being seen, heard and validated. You can feel very connected and 'on', like someone turned a switch on and light filled the dark room.

Unfortunately, if you have lived under limitations, depressed energy, restrictions and emotional pain, being visible may be the last thing you want to have happen. It may trigger fear of hurt and feelings of danger.

It can be a radical change from the part of you that has been so accustomed to hiding. Visibility can trigger feelings of shame, self consciousness, paranoia and vulnerability. It can feel to some like they are suddenly under a microscope and everyone is looking at them. This can be rather uncomfortable and cause a quick rubber band-like effect of pulling back into your shell and wanting to hide again.

This back and forth, expanding and contracting can be common for anyone who has lived with fear. It takes getting used to. Being visible is not something you can easily turn on and off at will. It's something that can be very unconscious to begin with. You may not even realize when you're hiding.

One clear signal that you may have gone back into hiding is when you experience a radical change in your receiving. For example, you've had a period of time where you've been really receiving good things in your life, business is booming, your phone is ringing with invitations, you're up for a promotion, etc and suddenly- out of the blue, everything just stops. It seems like the river dried up and nothing is flowing. Business dropped off, the phone stopped ringing, no one is asking for you or looking for you. It's like everyone forgot you existed. This can be a clear signal that you went back into hiding.

It's as if no one can feel your energy presence because you've pulled your head back into the turtle shell, so to speak, and you aren't radiating any more. Your signal isn't being picked up. Think about a radio station tower. If something happens to the tower, the station stops transmitting and no one hears it. Visibility works the same way. It you pull back into your shell, no one sees you!

Let's go back to the example and look at the other side of it- the period of time when you were really receiving good stuff, business is booming, you're successful, the money is flowing in, the people all want to hang out with you and invite you places... it's like everyone wants to be with you. Well, that's because you are really visible! You're getting picked up on the radar, your signal is being broadcast and your Light is radiating out like a beacon. You are a beacon of Light- just like a lighthouse.

Why would you possibly want to go back into hiding after all the good stuff that's happening? It's really not a conscious decision. It's when the unconscious part of you gets uncomfortable, nervous, scared and hesitant. Things are going really well and you may not have a point of reference for good things happening in your life experience. It may be subconsciously- 'too good'. It may be that you expanded enough to hit the next emotional layer of old limitation. It could just be a signal to get your attention so that you release any little restrictions that may still be in place.

Take a moment and look within yourself. You are radiating? Or are you hiding? Are you comfortable with your Light? Or are you going through life feeling like no one can see you or hear you? Do you feel self conscious when going out in public? Or are you very comfortable, everyone talks to you and smiles? Think about it.

© 2005 Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster is an Intuitive Counselor who assists clients to create extraordinary transformations in their daily lives. Her work is uplifting, empowering and success-oriented. You can visit Jodie's website at for further information and to schedule a private intuitive session. You can also look for weekly updates to her blog at: .

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