The Law of Attraction - Make it Work For You

The Law of Attraction responds to whatever vibration you are sending out into the Universe. You will receive more of what you are vibrating whether it is desired or not. This law does not decide whether what it is returning is good for you or not, it simply responds to your vibration.

This morning I got up early because we received more snow last night and I decided to take advantage of the crisp air and opportunity to be alone for a while. I bundled up and headed out with my snow scraper in hand.

While shoveling, I thought about what has transpired in my life this year ? where I was 12 months ago, where I am now, and where I want to be in a year.

Earlier this year, I put an intention into the Universe to guide me to my divine purpose. There was something missing that I needed in order to feel complete.

After handing my intention over, I started to visualize myself being surrounded by warm, caring people dedicated to helping me achieve success and sense of purpose, and reminded myself daily to remain open to any opportunity that might present itself.

Each day I woke up "knowing" that my answer would come, and with this knowing, I felt a sense of calmness. I was more relaxed. I smiled more and did not hesitate to speak to strangers and offer them a hand when needed.

I kept my mind open, listened more closely and focused more on giving than on receiving.

The Universe responded in kind.

Many generous, loving people were drawn into my life and together we have shared in a wonderful journey of self-growth, enlightenment and amazing successes.

During the past month, I became caught up in the daily stresses of work. I started thinking, there is never enough time, there is too much to do, I'm all on my own ? and on and on ?

I adopted the mindset that I was going down and became focused on struggling and racing time. My negative vibration started attracting more of the same and the disparaging results started snowballing.

I created an undesirable cycle of events.

One of the greatest gifts we have is the ability to choose our thoughts, and thankfully, in the middle of the crisp, cool winter air, I realized that I was creating this reality with my negative thinking.

The Universe was merely giving me back what I was sending out.

After shoveling, I decided I must change course to attract desired events in my life. I chose not to focus on work's daily demands but on life and those who mean the most to me.

I spent the remainder of my day decorating the Christmas tree with my stepson then taking him out for lunch. I gave him my undivided attention and let him know he is important.

I returned to my true purpose. Focusing on others and helping them see their worth in this world.

It is important to remember that you have the power to create your reality and this is managed through your thoughts.

If you are thinking about a lack of something, you will attract more of this. If you are thinking about something you love, you will attract more of what you love and enjoy.

Be aware of what is coming into your life and if it isn't what you want, review your thought processes and make changes. You have the power.

Laurie Hayes, founder of Where the Heart Is Life Coaching, is a Life Strategy Coach and author of several articles and an e-book designed to promote excitement and inspire action in others to pursue the best life has to offer. To secure a copy of her free e-book, "10 Guidelines for Attraction" visit

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