Correcting a Gap Between the Teeth

As we age and our teeth shift, a gap between the teeth may suddenly appear. If you have a tooth extracted which is not immediately replaced with an implant or bridge, your entire bite may shift dramatically. The teeth surrounding this missing tooth may shift toward each other, creating a gap between the teeth. It's not at all unusual for a person who had a terrific smile her entire life to suddenly notice she now has gapped teeth.

For some, a very small gap between the front teeth can be charming, even attractive. Anything larger than the faintest of gaps, however, is usually regarded as unsightly. Of course, gaps that occur between teeth other than the two front teeth are completely undesirable. For instance, a gap between an incisor and a canine is quite noticeable, and very clumsy looking.

Correcting a Gap Between the Teeth
Fortunately, people who want to fix the gaps between their teeth have a very wide range of remedies from which to choose. The most obvious, as well as the least desirable, is to wear braces. Braces are a fine option for people with truly crooked teeth, but are unnecessary for mere gaps.

People can correct their dental gaps in just a few visits to the dentist if they choose to have their teeth bonded. Unfortunately, bonding is an extremely pricey solution, and temporary bonds or veneers frequently fall off. More and more people are turning to Teeth Effects Bands. Teeth Gap is proud to offer this proven, affordable solution to those who wish to close a gap between the teeth in mere weeks, for a fraction of the cost of braces or Invisalign.

Please visit to close your gap simply by wearing a band around your teeth.

Teeth Gap

More Resources

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More Attraction Information:

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