Secret of Wealth

"Before I had a lot of money, I was really quite happy," said Oprah Winfrey. "And I will tell you this--you may not believe it--I never would have gotten the money if I wasn't happy to begin with. I never would have gotten it."

When mind establishes itself in self contentment, happy with oneself without anything in particular, it automatically falls back on consciousness which is the source of all the creation.

Contented state of consciousness is a sacred field on which you can reap plenty of harvest. It's not just the thoughts but the background which matters. Our job is establishing the background or soil. Normally we focus on the thoughts and forget the background or source, now we will nurture the background and will be rest assured that the seed employed and its subsequent sprouting will be natural and effortless.

Whatever enables you to feel rich and grander is right for you. Make choices that will make you feel rich within and the process will become magnetic to attract the richness outside. Remember, its inner richness that creates the manifested richness. Focus on the quality of feeling grand in your awareness; you will become a magnet drawing grandest events and circumstances.

Contentment state of consciousness is happy by default. You can do this by throwing away all the ideas and concepts which creates discontent. Treat those ideas as the greatest garbage in your consciousness.

Your wealth increases as your consciousness starts retaining the quality of having, live as if you are a king and are provided with everything. This state itself attracts all the elements to fulfill its own nature. Universe provides elements to fulfill the nature of mind. Our job is to establish the nature of mind to tune up in its own dignity, elements are arranged by universe.

In the normal trend, we run after the elements or objects, but in fact, the objects are the natural arrangements of the state of existence. It's a state which fulfils itself. If you want to part your wealth, try opposite (run after) and you will drain your wealth. Do all the actions with spirit of contentment rather than discontentment. Throw away all the conceptual ideas or ideals which create discontent. Live as if you have all the love and generosity of the world which in fact you have but lost the touch and awareness.

Think and conduct yourself as if you are the king and you will experience that all your needs and want are spontaneously fulfilled. Originate all your actions or passions in the spirit of fullness of your being. You psychologically don't need subtraction or addition, you sense your completeness without anything in particular, but strive for greater good. The more you stabilize yourself in the fullness of your own being, more your ideas will be borne there and will find a path for its natural fulfillment. Remember, discontented mind will create discontented reality.Eventually you will be more and more prosperous. It's a state of living, the deeper it establishes itself, greater is its manifestation and visible stability in the outside world.

We are what our spirit of living is. It is said that more will be given to the one who has (a sense of having) and more will be taken away from the one has not (a sense of not having). A sense of discontent is borrowed, whereas a natural sense of your completeness is self existent and just needs to be noticed and familiarized. Find the flow and follow it. Moving with the flow of life gives one supreme confidence because you know there's a Power greater than I.

Author: Santosh Kunte -Mumbai India. An avid reader of the spiritual knowledge, engineering graduate and executive. Loves reading meditation and sharing. You can reach me for your valuable feedback or you can reach me for your problems of finance, relationship etc. by dropping an e-mail to me on

More Resources

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