The Mirror Man

Lady Twilight felt angry. It was one of those days when she wasdoing her best to be nice to everyone but nobody was being niceto her.

What if people could be friendlier she thought to herself as shewandered through the open air market. It was a warm, sunny day sothere was no use blaming the weather. In that case it must meanthat people just do not like me, she decided.

The chatter of voices was all around while she sat at a table bythe side of the shopping crowd. She sipped a glass of green juiceand felt very alone despite all the shoppers rushing about thestreet. Just then she spotted a young man and the newspaperheadline on his paper... Lead And They Will Follow.

Twilight finished her drink and wandered along the street,feeling heavy, tired and still a little angry with this worldfull of unfriendly people. She turned to the left and walkedright past the mirror man, he was there every week sellingmirrors of all shapes and sizes. He was singing away to himselfuntil he spotted Twilight, then the sparkle left his eyes and hisface froze into a stern harsh expression.

She glared at him and out of the corner of her eye she caught herreflection in a mirror. She looked so angry and so bad temperedthat she even surprised herself. So shocked was she by her lookof rage that she burst out laughing.

The mirror man started laughing too and the two of them laugheduntil it hurt. With a sore belly, Twilight bade farewell to herfriend and skipped along through the market with an innerhappiness and a smile for everyone she met.

Something weird happened though. At this end of the marketeveryone wanted to talk to her, and most people seemed pleased tosee her. People went out of their way to help her and it was apleasure dealing with these nice people up this end of the street.

She walked past a news stand and there was that headline again...Lead And They Will Follow. Something clicked - so that is how itworks. Smile and people will smile back, give first and then youwill receive. The world is like a mirror and people reflect backto you what you give out.

Although not everyone will be nice back the odds certainly are inyour favor if you take the risk and give first. Lead and letothers follow your example.

People want to be liked, let them know that you like them andthey will feel safer with you and the quality of communicationwill improve dramatically.

Lady Twilight smiled and the world smiled back.

Peter Murphy
*Would you like a free weekly ezine full of practical tips forcommunicating at your best under pressure* All new subscribersreceive a free e-book with powerful strategies for being at yourbest.

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