What is the Life Your Were Born To Live?

In my private practice for the past 15 years I have discoveredhow hungry we are to find deep fulfillment and loving, make wisechoices for ourselves and the planet, and walk in union with ourhigher guidance.

Yet our days are filled with endless, empty lists of have-tos,shoulds, and must-dos. Quality time with our families, friendsand ourselves is precious but brief. We swallow our food fast andinformation faster - and yet what our mind tells us does notbring us peace, and what we eat does not fill us up.

Ask yourself, what truly brings you lasting fulfillment and joy?What can you feed yourself that creates deep satisfaction? Whichvoice do you listen to for guidance when the hounds of fear,worry and anxiety are howling in your ears?

I believe this 'missing' enthusiasm and joy is found when wediscover our personal heaven and begin living heaven on earth.

Accustomed to your ordinary world view, you fail to realize thatanother might exist beyond the dots of your to-do lists. Lifepresents many opportunities, each one capable of expanding your'seeing' to encompass new possibilities.

I saw a major glimpse of my 'heaven' in 1987 during a 6 daypersonal growth seminar. At the time I was living a life manyconsidered heavenly: happy marriage, two beautiful children,wealthy lifestyle, and plenty of time to pursue my fancies. Yet,in the wee hours of the morning my secret despair, loneliness andfear woke me up night after night. Inside I knew the lie of my'happy' life. I did not know the purpose for taking my nextbreath. At the seminar when the facilitator began talking aboutthe banquet table of life I suddenly beheld this larger way ofliving, this glimpse of heaven.

I wanted to bolt for the door.

The fear of facing the unknown 'me' inside was, at that time,bigger than living out my lack-luster life. But this definingmoment did not fade from my memory. In time, I began thesometimes scary journey of moving beyond the dot-basedexperience, visioning my heaven and taking my steps.

Your heaven lies lurking just beyond those dots. And it takes aninside job to fully experience it. But upon seeinga glimpse of this larger reality do you abandon your dot-basedreality? No, because mastering the shift from 'This is all thereis' to 'Look at all there is!" takes patience, practice,guidance, willingness, grace, and time.

You can begin today.

Take a few minutes over the next week - schedule it right now inyour day timer of PDA.

*clear your desk
*turn off the phone
*light a candle
*have paper and pen available
*close your eyes
*take in a deep breath
*allow the greater part of you to begin showing you, like gazingat a large movie screen, YOU living your personal heaven.

Be aware of how you feel as you 'watch' each area of your lifealign with this expanded arena. What is the new experience ofyour


Jot down those qualities: peace, joy, loving, ease, well-being,energy, focus, caring, relaxation, radiant health, compassion...or fear, sadness, regret. Accept whatever appears.

Step Two: If your heaven is available now, what do you need tolet go of in this moment to experience it?

Allow the answer to come forward easily.

Breathe in deeply and take that step. The life you were bornto live is waiting.

Rebecca Skeele, President of Make It Heaven, LLC, is the author of You Can Make It Heaven: How to Enrich Your Life with Abundance and Loving Her coaching and counseling business offers life changing courses and workshops inspiring people to become masterful at cocreating their personal heaven on earth. An ordained minister, Rebecca is an international workshop leader and speaker. Her new course, Becoming a Spiritual Scientist: A Course for Cocreators gives practical tools to move beyond story-based reality and begin living intentionally with divinity. Enrollment for FALL 2005 course now. For more information about Soul Salons and course enrollment visit Rebecca's new website: http://www.spiritual-scientist.com or email course@spiritual-scientist.com

More Resources

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