Performing Microdermabrasion at Home

Microdermabrasion kits have been designed for medical professionals, estheticians, and, now, home microdermabrasion kits are available for anyone who pampers their skin. Quality and price vary widely. Most home microdermabrasion kits provide the aluminum oxide, micro-crystal creams, rejuvenating lotions, a delicate exfoliating hand-piece or wand, and foam applicators. Other home kits may only provide micro-crystal creams, an exfoliating cloth, and repairing lotions. The treatments can be done over a "lunch break" with no recovery time needed.

Home microdermabrasion kits enhance skin care by arming you with tools once only available in fine salons, spas, and doctor's offices. The magic lives in the micro-crystal creams. These micro-crystals deeply buff and exfoliate the skin's surface of dead skin cells, oil deposits, and other debris. The hand-held re-surfacing wands come with foam applicators designed for comfortable application all over the body, even the hard-to-reach places.

The wand propels micro-crystals onto the skin's surface delicately polishing the uppermost layer containing dead skin cells, oil, and contaminants. As an added bonus, it also stimulates blood flow and rapid skin cell rejuvenation through its therapeutic tissue massage. The battery-operated re-surfacing hand-piece offers customizable power levels, specialized creams, and versatile attachments.

Microdermabrasion kits come in all shapes and sizes, but all provide deep-exfoliating micro-crystal creams. Microdermabrasion kits range from inexpensive do-it-yourself lotion packages to medical and spa machines costing several thousands of dollars. This technology empowers you to experience serious skin improvements from home, at the salon, or in your dermatologist's office without the inconvenience and risks involved with surgery, lasers, and chemicals.

Three primary distributors of home microdermabrasion kits are Neutrogena, Mary Kay and Loreal.

Neutrogena Microdermabrasion

Neutrogena Microdermabrasion Systems are designed for professional level results at home. They offer a streamlined 3-component treatment package that includes: a 2-speed System Applicator, Soft Foam Sponge Head, and a Micro-Oxide Crystalline Cream. The method is easy to follow, ensure that your face is clean a pat-dried, then you simply dab a small amount of cream onto the sponge head attached to the applicator, your target areas, and massage the skin's surface for 1-2 minutes. Rinse the crystal residue with warm water and voila, a new layer of velvety, healthy skin emerges.

May Kay Microdermabrasion

Mary Kay's TimeWise Microdermabrasion set is a two-step process that provides the exfoliating, micro-crystal cream and a replenishing serum. The advantage here, as the name implies, is that the application is quick and easy. Unlike other deep exfoliation systems that use the micro-crystals, Mary Kay Microdermabrasion does not require the use of the re-surfacing tool. With your finger tips, in a circular motion, you simply massage your skin with the Refine cream, infused with the same exfoliating crystals the pros use, and then cleanse with warm water and pat dry. Next, apply the vitamin and antioxidant rich Replenish serum to protect and nurture your new skin.

Loreal Microdermabrasion

The Loreal System, dermatologist recommended, also only requires two steps. Loreal Microdermabrasion consists of the Gentle Micro-Dermabrasion Exfoliator and the Post-Treatment SPF 15 Sunscreen Moisturizer. This system is quick and convenient, only requiring a little extra time after your morning shower. Simple, just massage the exfoliating micro-crystal cream into target areas, rinse, pat dry, and then hydrate the fresh skin surface with the therapeutic, nutrient rich Post-Treatment Moisturizer. Loreal Microdermabrasion highlights the benefits of a brighter, fresher skin tone, more refined and smaller pores, and an overall polishing of the skin that makes makeup application flawless.

Microdermabrasion Info provides detailed information on microdermabrasion, a progressive skin re-surfacing technique that targets wrinkles, lines, superficial scarring, stretch marks, acne, and sun damage. Microdermabrasion Info is the sister site of Acne Treatment Web.

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