Role of Calcium in Acne Cure

Most of us - including kids - are familiar with the importance of calcium for healthy bones and teeth. Fussy kids are persuaded to their daily quota of milk by lecturing about the calcium content of milk, its health benefits, and so on. Have you ever considered the effect of calcium on your skin? If you are an acne sufferer, you may have to reconsider your dietary sources of calcium.

When it comes to skin health, calcium is important to maintain cell renewal and lipid level. Calcium deficiency will result in dryness, irritation and premature wrinkle formation. It is also thought to increase one's susceptibility to skin cancer. Additionally, a deficiency forces your body to deprive your bones and teeth of calcium, in order to use it for other bodily processes.

Calcium has an effect on the output of antioxidants, the key ingredients that fight inflammation. Given that inflammation is one of the prime causes of acne, calcium can have a positive effect. Calcium regulates the production of an antioxidant called catalase, which protects the collagen and elastin from damages and maintains the skin texture. Thus, calcium is a great anti-aging skin care supplement.

Increasing calcium intake during winter could prevent your skin from excessive dryness. It works by maintaining adequate calcium level in the outermost skin layer, i.e. epidermis, so as to provide a protective coat against cold air, which would otherwise dry and damage the skin, inviting unsightly acne. Another lesser known benefit of calcium is its calming effect on the nervous system. Calcium is supposed to reduce the effects of stress, and stress is something that invariably manifests on the skin, in the form of acne and other skin diseases.

It is clear that calcium is indispensable for skin health, but you need to be careful to choose the right dietary source of calcium. This is because some of the best sources of calcium, such as dairy foods and carbohydrates, have other ingredients that exasperate acne. Milk, cheese and yogurt contain hormones that disturb the hormone levels in your body. Hormonal imbalance is the root cause for acne as it contributes to excessive sebum production, resulting in oily skin that is more prone to acne. Farmed cattle are typically given hormone doses, so dairy foods derived from them hinder the hormonal balance in our body. Additionally, whole-fat dairy foods result in undesirable weight gain. High-sugar calcium sources increase insulin production, which boosts inflammation and worsens acne.

That's enough information to open the eyes of those who have been blindly relying on dairy foods for calcium. It is important to opt for skin-friendly calcium foods, such as beans, broccoli, spinach, sardines and salmon. Dark green, leafy vegetables, which are excellent sources of calcium, are also rich in fiber and low in calories, so they check inflammation. Sardines and salmon contain omega 3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

However, if you are suffering from osteoporosis or other medical conditions related to calcium deficiency, it is best to get the advice of your doctor before altering your diet. Acne supplements containing calcium, magnesium and vitamin B can help improve the skin elasticity, hair color, and nervous system functionality. The key lies in choosing the right calcium sources.

About the Author

Check out Clearade, which is an effective natural acne remedy that works on the root causes of acne. To learn about acne vitamins, visit this page.

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