Nobody Cares
By Lance Winslow
Have you ever talked to a child who was very upset and they said; Nobody Cares? Have you ever talked to an adult with depression who stated; Nobody Cares? Have you ever thought to yourself when something was very important to you; Nobody Cares?
Have you ever been in a coffee shop and listened to someone who was very cynical who said; Nobody Cares? Have you ever made a comment any conversation about a political event perhaps about the legal immigration, term limits, corruption in Washington, DC or health care costs and said; Nobody Cares? May I please ask who is nobody?
Do you know anybody name nobody? Are you a nobody in someone else's conversation? Are they talking about you when they talk about nobody cares? Do you care? Do you find that you do not care about certain topics that other people care very much about? Do you think they are talking about You? Who are we all talking about; who is nobody?
We need to talk to nobody, but where do they live? It makes sense that nobody lives nowhere and nowhere is simply not a good place to live. So first we must find nowhere so that we can talk to nobody and get them to care. This sounds like a job for Superman. I have the latest GPS in my car but I still can't find nowhere, but you probably don't care. Consider this in 2006.