Great Advice

It never ceases to amaze me that every time I give a speech, do a seminar, or talk with people one-on-one, I get inundated with questions seeking the almighty answers to all that ails them. However, when I press them to come up with an answer to their own situation, they usually respond by offering their own solution right back to me.

They say things like:

"I know I should do ---------, then ---------, then ---------. After that, all I need to do is get so-and-so to do ---------, and then things will really come together."

Do you see where this is going?

More often than not, you already know the answers to your own dilemmas. I mean, who could possibly give you better advice on your current situation than you could give yourself?

The sheer fact that you're reading this newsletter says volumes about your self-esteem, drive, and quest for improvement. You're already a winner. How many people come to you for advice? A lot, I bet. Doesn't that tell you something?

Look, use common sense here. If you're in a situation that calls for a professional outside opinion, such as a health matter, emotional issue, spiritual guidance, etc., I understand and recommend seeking such counsel.

Yet, if you look in the mirror and realize you need to drop a few pounds, do you really need another book, fad diet, or the latest and greatest exercise gizmo in your life? Or do you simply need to apply what you already know and give yourself the same advice you'd offer someone else in the same situation, such as: Avoid fatty foods, get off the couch, and do a sit-up or two?

You get the point, right?

So let me ask you a question and challenge you as I do each month.

Do you have a lingering issue or two that you need to take action toward correcting? Maybe you need to work on creating new relationships, get started on that business idea, write the book you've been thinking about, or have that talk with someone you've been meaning to confront for months. You know what you need, and you know what you need to do.

So let me ask you:

What advice would you give yourself?

Gregory Scott Reid, The Millionaire Mentor.#1 best-selling author, speaker, and Radio personality.Please visit my website at and sign up for my free monthly newsletter.

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