Clothes and Shoes and Stretching

Now that we have a trainer, our next concern is to be equipped with the proper shoes and clothes, so our training experience can be maximized.If your trying to create a great body you need to start with clothes and shoes that will make you feel good as well as look good! {The reason behind that is if you look and feel good you will tend to be in a motivated state of mind, and in this state we build consistency, this is where results come from.}

What kind of clothes and shoes do I need you may ask? You could spend a few hundred dollars for designer workout gear and that would make you feel and look better, but all you need is some clean and comfortable clothes and shoes. Most discount stores sell designer replicas at a fraction of the cost.I recommend layering your clothes and as you warm up take a piece of clothing off. Keeping warm helps protect your joints, until you fully warm up, so you don't get hurt. Now we have the proper equipment to get started.

Next I highly recommend incorporating a consistent stretching program, which will reduce injuries and produce greater results. I do 15 to 25 minutes per day as well as stretching in between exercises. The benefit of stretching is huge; it can make or break your training progress. As I describe training techniques each month I will go over the stretching to do for each body part. So you can achieve optimum results!!!

Here are some basic stretches you can start with to enhance your training and or walking program. Trunk Twists- Standing big and tall with good posture, feet shoulder distance apart, place your hands on your hips rotate your upper torso from right to left in a nice controlled manner. Repetitions of 15 to 30 per side will be enough.Side Stretches- also standing tall with good posture, feet shoulder distance apart, your arms hanging to your side, slowly with your head up bend from one side, then the other. This focus is on stretching the outer muscles of your abs which is the oblique {commonly referred to as love handles}Toe Touches- Standing tall with feet shoulder distance apart, arms hanging to your side, slowly, bend your torso touching your fingertips as close to your toes as you can get, without bouncing. This is a great stretch for your hamstrings and your lower back.I normally recommend finishing your stretching warm up with a series of push- ups and sit-ups. All movements are to be slow and controlled at all times. While doing these stretches stand with your knees slightly bent to alleviate the pressure off your lower back.

Remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

I believe that the key of everybody's personal journey is to develop faith in yourself, your creator and the people around you. Also condition yourself to believe that there is always a way if you're committed.

If you fail just keep changing your approach until you succeed!!!Remember to always be good to yourself and others.

Live Passionately
Warmest regards,
James Spicer

Contact James at

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