Blogging & RSS Information
Simple Syndication (RSS) -- Wheres The Payoff?
How RSS really does pay off..
RSS - A New Face of Online Marketing
Today we see the Internet as a global catalog of information, and the Internet thrives on information. But information, which is fresh and new, is more valuable than out dated content.
Blogging Advice - Give Your Readers What They Want
Web gives a lot of exposure; weblog stabilizes the exposure with a profound purpose. The purpose of a Weblog is to complement e-newsletters, serving readers in a way that extends a blogger's expertise and leadership in the market.
Details of Getting a Blog
Blogs, the abbreviation of Web Logs (online journals), are becoming more and more popular all the time. People are starting new blogs at an astounding rate so it's safe to assume that there are constantly people out there who want to know how to get a blog going.
Top 10 Places to Find the Most Popular Blogs
The easiest way to get acquainted with the conventions of the blog format is to start reading them. The more blogs you read, the more you'll get a feel for the depth and breadth of style and subject matter they have to offer.
Brief History of Blogs
So where did all these blogs come from? How did they get from an underground geek toy to a mainstream tool that has revolutionized politics, journalism, marketing and the media?I always find that when I learn about a new technology or way of doing something online, the geeks have already been there (and I say the word 'geek' with complete affection - I'm one too!). Before business became inseparable from the computer, email or the internet, the academics and tinkerers were there first, kicking the tires and playing with the technology.
What the Heck is a Blog?
Everybody is talking about blogs. They are everywhere: on the TV, in the newspapers, and all over the internet.
Is Blogging For You? Take This Quick Quiz
What The Hell Is A Blog Anyway?The word 'blog' is a shortened version of 'web blog'. A 'web log' just means a log or diary-type entry on the web.
RSS is Not Only for Blogs
Contrary to popular opinion, RSS is not only good for delivering content from your blog, although blogs are what made RSS so popular.In fact, RSS can be used to deliver a great variety of content and content types.
Podcasting vs. Blogging
The US Navy blogs. Larry Kudlow of CNBC blogs.
Business Blogs and Their Benefits
Blog is a medium for self-expression on web. Blogs are in the form of few paragraph entries.
Will Spam-Blogging Be The Death Of Blogging?
Technorati reports that 30,000 - 40,000 new blogs are being created each day.According to David Sifry, part of the growth of new blogs created each day is due to an increase in spam blogs.
Blogging For Business - Great Reasons For Every Business To Start A Weblog
If Howard Dean's failed political campaign accomplished anything, I would say that it brought to the mainstream the use of something called a weblog or "blog" as it known in cyberspace.A blog is really nothing more than a diary uploaded to the Internet and until about the last 12 months was the realm of the individual who saw it as a way to publish there random (and sometimes disturbed) thoughts.
6 Reasons Why RSS Beats Email Marketing
A brand new marketing tool predicted to replace email iscurrently sweeping the World Wide Web like a storm.The Internet is experiencing the so-called "orange" revolutionand there's no stopping to it.
Is RSS Here to Stay or Gone Tomorrow?
RSS is totally hot. We have seen it everywhere, from John-Doe blogsites to major news websites.