Gathered Statistical Data Announces that Blogs will Dominate the Internet in Less than a Few Years

... if not months to come.

At a distinctive and stable growth rate of Blog users at an average of more than 100% within a researched 190 day cycle, the Internet should be ready for a "Blog Boom" anytime soon. Microsoft announced more than 4.5 million weblog spaces were created in MSN Spaces since 11 January 2005. On average, users are updating about 170,000 blogs on MSN Spaces every day and uploading about 1.9 million photos a day.

France music radio station SkyRock's Skyblog is no exception. They will have an estimated 3.5 to 4 million blogs by year end. On average, more than 8,000 blogs are created daily, averaging out about 39 posts and 53 comments per blog.

Blog search engines in particular, are reporting searches in the tens of millions, consisting of a large diversity in language and geographical differences.

Technorati, a giant blog tracking site, finds that its tracking volumes double for every 5 months for the past 20 months. Technorati is estimating a jump at a high 15 million blogs by the end of August 2005, and doubles up to 30 million in January 2006.

Bloggers themselves are not left out entirely by this rapid growth. It is not particularly uncommon for some to celebrate their 100 millionth visitor mark.

It is gathered, that one third of online adult Americans know blogs from a recent survey of the general public. More than a quarter of South Korea's 50 million population are bloggers.

For additional information on the subject of blogging, contact John Teh at johnteh [at] or visit

About is a Blog and RSS Feed submission service provider, allowing new or current bloggers to spread the word around about their blogging activities.

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