Blogging & RSS Information

Blogs Explained

It seems like Blogs are everywhere these days. You can't seem to surf the Internet without seeing the word Blog somewhere.

Blogging for Dollars

Blogging for dollars might sound like the latest game show or some new drinking game, but it's the latest craze to hit the Internet. Bloggers began blogging for a number of reasons, but as the blog movement has increased in popularity, they have found ways to monetize their blogs and are seeing their commitment pay off.

What Is RSS?

Recently I did an interview with a well known email Internet Marketer. He wanted to share with his readers a viewpoint on what RSS is from someone who is using it in place of traditional email marketing.

How to Write A Blog... And Survive

The question of the day is "Should you start a Blog?" People all over the planet are blogging. Companies, CEOs, lawyers, journalists, stewardesses.

Its A Blog, Not A Sales Letter

The recent spurt of interest in blogging has begun to ignite the hope that people can make a full-time income from blogging. Although there are a few people actually doing this, there aren't too many business models yet that can support someone making a full-time income from their blogs.

Why Use RSS?

So why use RSS? Well, I can find a whole lot of reasons why. Although I'm not technically inclined I do understand the power behind syndication.

Who Would Use RSS

My previous two articles "What is RSS and Why use RSS" focused on how we can give our customers a better online experience while lessening the hassles for the online marketer. In this article I'm going to offer you another way to look at RSS - from the standpoint of a new emerging profession: the channelmaster or newsmaster as Robin Good calls it.

How To Build Traffic To Your Blog

With the growing interest in blogging as a means of online promotion and branding, a lot of marketers are starting blogs to promote their opinions, products, books and services. But a blog is like a website.

Marketing with Blogs and RSS Feeds

Perhaps you still don't realize or fully understand the power of RSS Feeds as a marketing tool.After all, email works fine, doesn't it?Unfortunately, the truth is:1.

If an RSS feed is the Yahoo Backdoor, is a Blog Googles?

Though the answer is in a book I wrote this July, the question is still asked of me repeatedly. Why does it work for some sites and not others? And how come some blogs get indexed in a day and then are dropped, and others stay in Google indefinitely?Well, let's take one question at a time.

Why It Took Me So Long To Blog

When I saw my first blog, I wasn't impressed.The first blogs I ever read were embarrassing tales of teenage angst better left private, political diatribes from both the rabid right and the rabid left, and jargon-filled tech rags that made my eyes glaze overAnd yet everyone was talking about blogs and that I would soon be left behind if I didn't have one.

Business Blogging - 5 Tips to Help You Smashl Through Writers Block

It's inevitable. Everyone hits the wall.

The 6 Top Reasons Marketers Should Blog

If there is a downside to blogging, I have yet to find it. The more you learn about blogging, the more there is to like.

10 Reasons to Put RSS on Your Site!

RSS and Blogs are the topics of the moment. Seems like everyone is talking about it.

Building Backlinks With Blogs

The most boring part of getting traffic to a website is getting backlinks. This is hard, boring, time consuming work.

More Resources

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Marketing With Blogs and RSS - The Hot New Tools of 2005
In case you haven't heard, the net is buzzing with talk ofblogging and RSS. Once the province strictly of people whogot a kick out of publishing online diaries, and later ofpolitical and social commentarists, blogs and RSS are beingadopted by the internet marketing community.
How to Increase Buyers Traffic Through Writing Articles and RSS Content Syndication
Benefits of Writing Articles:1. Every Webmaster would like to publish fresh content on their websites.
How To Avoid Blog Burnout
Blogging is a time consuming process. It involves the process of gathering, reading, digesting and compiling information into a nice, meaty post that gives your reader an insight into the unique way you see and understand issues.
RSS Explained
What is RSS? To begin with, it's one of those things everyone says is easy to understand. And it is, as soon as you have your own 'ah-ha' moment.
It Really Is Simple RSS
I have 'Googlebot' coming to my site every day since a month ago I put up my first news feed, since then I have put up yet another.I never used to see 'Googlebot' much before, so it goes to show that if you want to be noticed by the search engines, you need to put up a 'news-feed'.
How To Use RSS Feeds In Your Marketing
It was Friday night. I finished reading a book about RSS feeds.
How to Use Blog Exchanges
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Use RSS Feeds to Improve Search Engine Optimization and Ranking
RSS is rapidly becoming a "must have" for a proper search engine optimization. But what exactly is RSS?RSS or Rich Site Syndication (or Really Simple Syndication, depending on who you ask) is a file format similar to XML, and is used by publishers to make their content available to others in a format that can be universally understood.
Avoid Bad Manners While Blogging
Blogging, the hottest trend in online publishing right now,is currently spreading like wildfire across the Internet.A cross between an online journal and a bulletin board,everyone from rock starts, politicians, business leadersand your average "Joe" or "Jane" can instantly become acenter of influence online using blogs.
RSS for Newbies; A Quick Tutorial
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13 Steps to Successful Blogging
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Business Blogging: Where Do I Start?
The new hot commodity is a blog for your small business so you've decided you must have one.Before you begin think about it long term.
Blogging For Business Bible
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Web Blogs, Defined, Explained and Understood
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Dear Web Diary!
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Starting Your Own Blog
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Do Marketers Really Need RSS?
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Are you getting results from your business blog? Is it getting harder for you to spend time on your blog because you're just not seeing how it is going to pay off? If so, you're not alone. Hundreds of blogs are started each day and many of them are abandoned after several months because it takes time and energy to keep a good business blog going.
To Blog Or Not To Blog
Web logs, commonly referred to as "blogs," represent allthe rage right now in online publishing.Not really a newsletter or traditional html pagepublishing, blogs resemble more of a web-based diary wherethe creator records their thoughts, posts links, orresponds to questions.
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