
When I was a kid sitting in school I can remember looking out the window daydreaming of mountains, and skiing. These were just a few things I dreamed of doing. Over the years the daydreams have continued.

Do you have daydreams. Silly question to be askingright. But when was the last time you stopped to thinkabout that daydream. Think right now about how your life would be if you had the freedom to do whatever you dreamed of. I am often reminded of the movie "Cinderella" when Leslie Ann Warren sang the words "In my own little corner, in my own little chair, I canbe whatever I want to be".

How about Judy Garland when she was on a questto know what life was like outside the farm in "TheWizard of OZ". when she sang "Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, there's a land that I dreamed of,once in a lullaby"

We all have dreams that we hold onto. Pictures of how we know it can be, that give us the hope that keeps us moving forward.

Why though do we only dream, and continue to, for 95%of people, drudge along doing the same thing day in day out, week in week out, year in year out. My professionfor the last 21 years except for a short break has been Law Enforcement. I have seen what people do, not only to themselves to self destruct, but to the ones they careabout most. Frustration and the feeling of futility are likethe constant drip, drip, drip like a kind of daily water torture without the water.

People drone along day after day on a quest for the week-End. Two days of a chance physically and mentally to get away from whatever box that holds them from what they truly desire.

Its sad to hear what people say when you really stop andListen. I recently heard someone say, "Oh, so and so is having a good day". Then the person being referred tosaid " I must be nuts" as if its some kind of a sicknessto be happy.

Its been said the average person only stops to think 3 or4 times in their lifetime. A close family member gets sick,a disaster like 9/11 happens and for a brief period we stopand think and say to ourselves, what am I doing. However in a day or so the shock wears off and they fall hopelesslyback into the safety of the rut.

When you were learning to walk did you just hope right up and truck across the room, I would venture to say you didn't.I would guess you fell, stumbled, got back up. Inch by inch,step by step, with sore knees and some tears you made it.Even after your first success you still had to try, but once you learned you could do it, your little legs could scoot youacross the floor so fast at times, full grown mom had to run to catch you.

I have great news for you. If this article has sturred you,and I sincerely hope that it has, I am here to tell you, that as for your long lost dreams, there is hope. I can hearyou saying, Dave I have tried everything already. This is thesame response I had until the true secret was shared with me several years ago.

The answer is not in a program, article, tape series, orhot deal. The answer to your dreams, the places you havelonged to see, time you desire to spend with the ones you love, freedom to travel, all you truly want I will show you inthe next two paragraphs.

If you are not at home put this article away until you are, and can follow these instructions to the letter. Trust me, thelife you live and the dreams you hold dear are worth the wait.

If you are I want you to get up right now and walk into your bathroom. Yes I know, this is a strange place to find theanswer to your dreams but you will see why in just a minute.Look in the mirror at the person looking back at you. There is the answer to all that you have ever dreamed of, ITS YOU.No one knows you like you know you.

I can hear you saying, I've tried on my own before and failed. I'm here to tell you, you can make it, and not just make it, butYou can make it in a big, big way. Everything you need to get your dreams back is within reach. The tools are all available to help you. As my friend Jim Rohn says "All the books you need, all the training you need, all the money you need, allthe classes you need, its all here.

One place you can start is to begin to put the right thingsinto your mind. We live in a negative world, and you need toguard against the negative voice. One way you can guard against them is to eliminate the newspaper and nightlynews. You may be saying "Oh but how will I know whatis going on". If it is important enough for you to know itsomeone will tell you.

To begin with the good things start with your car. The average American drives 12 thousand miles to and fromwork each year. This comes to somewhere between500 and 1000 hours on the road each year. Turn your car into a mobile classroom. Bob and Tom in the morning might be funny, but your future success is no laughing matter.

Pull the dreams of the past out and blow the dust offof them. Write them down. Go through some magazines and cut out pictures that represent what you want and seefor your future. Get started today.

Dave Trilety is a Deputy Sheriff and Entrepreneur. He has helped many people through trainings on Leadership, and Self Development. He is currently assisting people in the development of Retirement Income. For more information go to the link below. Dave lives in the Cincinnati area with his wife Tammy and their daughter Tara.


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