How To Use Affirmations To Create Prosperity?

Dear Internet friend. Each human being is an incrediblepiece of sowtware. Each one of us has been "programmed"in a certain way. This program runs our lives 24 hours a day, and will govern our entire life.

But who was the programmer? Of course you were not alonein it, it was a "joint venture" between you and the society.By society, I mean, your parents, friends, teachers, coleagues etc.Your program runs every aspect of your life, right fromyour physical appearance to the amount of money you earn. Inthis article I will discuss how this program affects yourmoney matters. The part of the program which decides yourfinancial success is called as "Money Consciousness".

In a single sentence I would say that "you will earn howmuch you believe you can earn." This clearly means thatyou have programmed yourself to earn the amount of moneyyou are earning now. There is a code running constantly in your mind which governs your actions when you try toearn money. It is your belief system about the wholeaspect of money which decides your financial fortune.

A person with "poor" money consciousness has an underlyingemotion about money and that's "fear". Fear of losing moneyis what governs their financial ability.

These people always think that there is never enough moneywith me, and their mind picks up the message, which reflectsin outward reality.

There is one more major emotion, which drives their mind.They think that earning too much money is bad or moneybrings problems with it. So they never think about thepossibilities money can bring in their lives, and accepta conservative lifestyle.

Our mind is like a magnet. It will attract exactly thesame circumstances and opportunities which are in tunewith what we believe to be true. So if a person believesmoney is bad, his mind will recreate exactly the same situations in his real world experience which will reaffirmhis belief that "money is bad."

In such a way this person goes on believing day after day and keeps himself away from all the riches which he probablydeserves.

Now the question is, is there any way to get out this? Of course and the answer is AUTOSUGGESTIONS.

What are autosuggestions?

Autosuggestion is a technique to train your mind eitherconsciously or unconsciously to believe a particularstatement to be true. Autosuggestions can be used to"reprogram" whatever we have been learning from theday we were born and mould ourselves to believe a newset of "commands" to a paint a new picture of ourselvesand eventually the world around us.

If we use the techniques of autosuggestion to change the false beliefs about money, it directly affects our financial situation. If used positively a person can start changing his financial situations in as less as one month.

There are many methods by which this can be easily done.I will discuss one method here.

Put posters on walls of your bedroom, with affirmativestatements. This poster(s) should be clearly visible to you. You can also use the same poster in you office or theplace your work. The bottom line is your mind must be keptalarmed about a new command more often until it starts believing it to be true.

If you can convince your mind to obey the new affirmationthen you are done. If used positively autosuggestions canbe an excellent way to take charge of our lives to in anyunhappy situation.

Remember that never use negative statements. Because yourmind will believe it to be true and recreate the realitywhich is negative for you. There are two major point youshould remember while framing your affirmations or autosuggestions.

1)Always use "I" in your statement
2)Keep the statement in present tense.

Thus autosuggestions can be used to change any unhappysituation in our life such as personal relationships, finances,health, bad habits etc.

Copyright 2005 Shrinivas Vaidya

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