Liver Spring Cleansing

The liver is the second largest organ in the body and the skin is the first. Every year, you can make sure your liver is healthy by doing a liver cleanse during spring.

The liver is responsible for filtering and detoxifying your blood, so you want to make sure that it is in top condition. Many times our liver and body gets overloaded with toxins from the poor food we eat and the unhealthy lifestyles we lead. This can make us feel tired, sluggish and just out of sorts. And, if you want to lose weight, without good liver function, you will find that difficult to do. So, it is a good idea to cleanse the liver at least once a year.

Milk Thistle is an excellent herb that can be used to cleanse and promote health in the liver. Its active ingredient is Silymarin, which helps protect and detoxify the liver. There are many supplements that contain just Milk Thistle or you can find it in combination with other helpful herbs. You can find it in capsule or liquid. I like using the liquid, since it's easier to carry around and use. After I take my Milk Thistle, I drink 8-10 glasses of distilled water a day. This helps to run more blood through the kidney to clean out the toxins and debris from the blood.

For my liver cleanse I used a liquid herb combination from the American Botanical Pharmacy called "Liver/Gall Bladder Anti-Parasite Formula" (L/GB-AP) by Dr. Richard Schulze. It comes in a 2 oz. bottle with a dropper.

Use 2 droppers full, 3-4 times per day for one week.

This formula has a combination of herbs. The first five herbs listed below are great liver herbs. The other herbs are for cleansing the body of parasites. Parasites can live in the liver and other organs including the brain and colon.

* Milk Thistle Seed

* Dandelion Root

* Oregon Grape Root

* Gentian Root

* Wormwood leaf and flower

* Mojave Chaparral, Black

* Walnut hulls

* Ginger Rhizome

* Garlic Bulb

* Fennel Seed.

Every morning when I get up, during this liver cleanse, I drink the juice of one lemon in warm water. This was hard to get used at first because this is really bitter for me. If this is the case for you, just add a little honey. If you like lemons, then you will like doing this liver cleanse.

I hope you can take the time to cleanse your liver, since springtime only comes around once a year and your liver is central to a healthy body.

Rudy Silva is a natural nutritionist.

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