Fraicheur DAgrume (Citrus Fruits): Freshness in a Bottle

Citrus oils are perhaps one of the more popular essential oils for perfumery. They provide a fresh, invigorating and stimulating aroma that is indispensable in fragrances. Otherwise known as agrumen oils, they are obtained from various sources of the citrus fruit family that includes bergamot, lime, lemon, grapefruit and bitter orange. Among these, the commonly used ones are bergamot and lemon.


The inedible bergamot fruit is cultivated in Southern Italy, Spain and South Africa. The tree grows to 2 to 5 feet tall with erect, leafy, tubular stalks topped by a flower cluster. The scent of bergamot is clear, mildly sweet and fruity and rejuvenating to the mind.

The bergamot oil was first sold in the Italian city of Bergamo in Lombardy, hence its namesake. It was traditionally used as a folk medicine by the Italians.

Bergamot oil is an aromatic remedy for indigestion, colic and flatulence because of its antispasmodic and digestive properties.

Its uplifting effects can help alleviate anxiety and depression.


The lemon oil has a similar fresh note, with the same invigorating and tingling effect. Hygiene comes to mind when one thinks of the lemon. Its scent lends the ?clean" effect to cleaning agents and deodorants. In Italy, where it is abundant, the lemon is widely used as a food flavouring.

The lemon tree grows up to 11 feet high with irregular branches. The leaves are ovate and oval. The perfumed flowers are pink and white, and the fruit is bright yellow.

The Egyptians once used lemon oil to treat meat poisoning. The fruit was used by sailors to prevent scurvy while at sea for months. The lemon oil improves digestion and regulates the acid level within the stomach.

It can also promote the production of blood cells to treat anemic problems and boost the immune system. Its febrifuge qualities can help alleviate fever by lowering the body temperature.

Emotionally, the lemon oil can be refreshing and cooling to the mind. Invigorating Citrus Citrus oils are the refreshing and uplifting alternatives to the other essential oils when one needs a zesty kick-start to a new day.

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