Autism Behaviour in Childrens

Autism is a developmental disorder and the specific cause for autism is not known. It is believed that some biochemical imbalance would have caused autism and some believe that it is a psychological disorder. Children with autism cannot communicate their feelings and emotions properly. Such children find it difficult to socialize. They communicate only to get their needs and not to socialize.

Autism behaviors include lack of proper response to social and environmental stimulations. Communication in a child with autism would be minimal and there would be no eye contact and the child would be in its own world and the response would be very slow. These are some of the autism behaviors that can be noted. There are many therapies available for treating such children.

To treat such autism behaviors nutritional supplements are given. Vitamin B12 is one such supplement that is given to improve autism behaviors which are odd when compared to a normal child. These children use communication only to fulfill their needs and not to socialize. To improve autism behaviours they can be given educational therapies in which the child is motivated to respond to the social and environmental changes promptly. It is not easy to make a child with such autism behaviors to learn a task. They will interrupt the process and they might be aggressive towards other people to avoid learning any new task.

Magnesium in the form of intramuscular injections is given to improve autism behaviors. Usage of vitamin B12 to improve autism behaviors would usually give good results in 2 to 4 weeks time. Some children will take more than 3 months to improve their autism behavior. Dimethylglycine (DMG) is found to be very good in improving autism behaviors like lack of proper speech. DMG improves the immune system in our body. This also improves better eye contact and frustration tolerance.

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