Using Carrot Juice for Relieving Constipation

Carrot Juice

Carrot juices contain certain oils that work on the mucus membranes of the stomach and colon. This helps with digestion and starts your bowels functioning properly. Carrots are high in fiber and beta-carotene, an antioxidant, which the body converts to vitamin A. Carrots can make your stools softer and larger.

Why are larger stools better? Because larger stools dilute toxins, exposure less toxins to colon walls, and press against colon walls to promote peristaltic action.

Drink carrot juice twice daily, once in the morning and in the evening before bedtime.

You can drink more carrot juice if you like. Its action on the body produces enormous benefits since it contains a good number of vitamins and minerals - B, C, D, E, K, carotene, sodium, and potassium. These nutrients help to clean out your colon and speed up fecal matter movement.

As you increase the carrot juice you drink, chances are you will feel a little uncomfortable. This happens when carrot juice reaches your intestines and colon and begins stirring up the toxic layers and materials in that area. This feeling will pass and is nothing to worry about.

If you are pregnant, drink carrot juice daily to build up your breast milk and to provide your baby with the nutrients that it needs

Carrot Juice, Carrots and Celery

An effective way to clear constipation is to combine vegetables that are high in fiber and that have laxative effects.

Celery is high in fiber, potassium, sodium, and many other minerals. It can reduces inflammation and protect against cancer. Celery has a chemical call polyacetylene, which reduces prostaglandins that cause inflammation.

Celery has a calming effect on the nervous system. If you have been using laxatives, which have overworked your colon nerves, celery will help to relax these nerves and give them a rest.

Adding carrot juice to celery juice provides an even better nutritional drink. This drink will help to restore nerve function in your colon and improve its health.

Celery has the highest content of organic sodium. This sodium is used throughout the body as lymph saline liquid allowing cells to work and live properly.

Celery is also beneficial for the stomach. The stomach lining is filled with sodium and this sodium is necessary to prevent ulcers.

Here's what to do,

Eat carrots and celery during the day and for your salads; drink a glass of carrot juice in the morning and one in afternoon. By eating slightly steamed carrots you can increase the carotene available from the carrots by up to 4 times. However, by cooking carrots, you destroy the enzymes that will help you to digest them quickly and completely.

Boost your carrot juice by juicing with it a few stalks of celery, which includes the leaves. The leaves have more nutrients than the stalk and are part of the nutritional value of celery.

Tomato, Carrot, Celery Drink

Here's a drink you can take in the afternoon to activate a bowel movement.

With a juicer, juice some tomatoes, carrots, and celery. By experimenting, you can discover the amount of each vegetable to use according to your taste. Mostly likely you will want equal amounts of tomatoes and carrots and you will want to add a few stalks of celery including the leaves.

Now, let's add a few more items to give your drink more pushing power. Squeeze in a small amount of garlic, onion, and radish. While juicing your carrots, juice a small bunch of spinach or parsley.

Drink 1 to 1½ cups in the morning and see the results soon after.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist.

More Resources

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