Acne-Free Skin Is Within Your Reach Today!
Acne is a medical condition where the skin produces excess oils and clogged pores become inflamed and red. It can be a mild irritation or it can be to the point where socialization and self esteem suffers. Serious cases should confer with a doctor to get proper treatment. This article can help you manage the effects of acne.
If you get acne often, make sure you are getting enough sleep! Sleep is essential for decreasing stress and maintaining a healthy body. When you do not get enough sleep, your body may deal ineffectively with infections and skin impurities, which can increase your blemishes. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
Smoking is not only dangerous to your general health, but has also been linked to causing damaged skin and increased effects of acne. Quitting smoking can be one of the best things you can do to get rid of acne and improve your overall health. There are many tools and strategies you can find to help you start quitting today.
If you would like your skin to look better almost immediately, try icing your face. Take a tissue and place an ice cube inside of it. Put this on your blemishes at least three times a day for about half a minute at a time. The cold minimizes the swelling and redness from the pimples, allowing you to look and feel better.
Use the natural mineral Bentonite Clay to help get rid of your acne quickly. This mineral helps your skin look better by balancing the amount of oil that you have. Take two tablespoons of Bentonite Clay and combine it with cold water. This will make a mud-like paste. Put it all over your face and give it time to harden. Rinse it off when you are finished.
To help relieve acne symptoms, try applying a mask of honey to your skin one or twice a week. Honey is healthy for your skin because it has antibacterial properties, making it a gentle and natural way to disinfect blemishes. This will destroy the bacteria that cause acne, clearing your skin.
Keeping your hair out of your face is a good way to prevent acne. Hair contains oils which can get onto your skin from regular contact and lead to breakouts. If you have long hair or bangs, tie them back to keep them away from your face as much as possible.
If you have problems with acne, it may be a symptom of a lack of nutrients. Try to eat healthy food, and take a daily multivitamin. If your skin lacks the nutrition it needs, it often fights back by producing excess oils and clogging pores, leading to acne symptoms.
Another good tip for battling acne is to drink lots of water. Water helps to flush out the impurities in your system and provides a good source for your skin to thrive off of. Try to even invest in purchasing mineral water as this can help prevent dehydration. Dehydration can cause skin cells to become dirty and unhealthy which can cause blockages and pore buildup.
Studies show that stress can be a factor in causing acne flare-ups. Decreasing stress can be difficult but not impossible. Take time each day to relax, spend time doing things you love, even meditate in an effort to erase some of the day's troubles. It may help, and it can't hurt!
A good way to prevent acne is to drink lots of water daily. A good target is to drink at least two liters of water throughout the day. If skin becomes dehydrated, dead skin cells are not shed and this can lead to blocked pores as well as having acne.
Body acne on the back, shoulders and other areas of the body is another irritating condition that you can treat at home. Shower often to keep oils and sweat from trapping bacteria. Clean and moisturize your skin with mild, perfume-free cleansers to avoid irritation. If you have a severe case of body acne, see a doctor or dermatologist for immediate help.
Sometimes acne sufferers over react to a bout of acne and wash their faces excessively. This is actually counter productive and can and will make the acne even worse. If you have acne wash your face a reasonable number of times a day, and don't excessively scrub because it will make your skin worse.
Having acne can contribute to low self esteem and self worth. When your face is the first thing people see, and you feel like it is blemished, it can become difficult to feel comfortable talking to people. You may feel like they are only looking at your blemishes, and possibly judging you.
A good tip for those of you looking to treat or prevent any acne breakouts is to use manuka honey. Manuka honey is a supplement that has very powerful antiviral, antibiotic and antiseptic properties. It also happens to be extremely good for your skin so adding it to your diet is a great way to fight acne.
A good tip for people suffering from acne or for people who want to prevent it, is to use only natural products on your skin. Many skin care products contain harsh chemicals that can damage or dry out your skin, making you extremely susceptible to acne. Using natural products will leave your skin healthier.
As explained beforehand, acne shows itself due to excess oil in the skin. Use the tips you have read in this article to help alleviate your acne.
About the Author
I am the content writer for acne treatment and for the site