Religion Information

Of Snakes and Terrorism

With the passing of Arafat, the Middle East will take on a slightly different face, allowing the possibilities for prophetic fulfillment to speed up. The pathway is now open for renewed efforts to procure peace in the Middle East, using the avenue of the formation of the promised Palestinian State.

Connect These Dots: Unilateral Withdrawal, Egypt, Collapse of the South Wall, Raised Taxes and the..

There is a prophetic mosaic that few have attempted to explain, because it's fulfillment appears to be shrouded in a cloak of elusiveness, and at the moment, seeming improbability. Yet we know it must be fulfilled sometime within the next few years, or other prophecies which directly hinge on it will not be able to be fulfilled.

Hope and Restoration in the Valley

The bible tells a story about the prophet Ezekiel who envisioned a valley full of dry bones. God led Ezekiel back and forth in the midst of this valley, surrounded by dry bones.

What I'm Giving Up for Lent?

Don't worry I'm not going off into religious rantings. ?Having recovered from my trials and tribulations of January I headed into February with a revived passionate verve.

Facing Our Fears

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.

Early Spring Cleaning

Has anyone noticed how fast 2004 is going? Hey, we are in December already. I really like December not only because peopleare nicer to each other and all the pretty decorations are around,but people stop and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.

Bible and Kabbalah: The Hardening of Pharoahs Heart

There is continuous creation, out of the new ideas discovered in the Torah.Zohar, Genesis, Introduction, 52OUR PURPOSE FOR THE STUDYStudents of Kabbalah understand the Torah (Hebrew Bible) as a mystical book wherein the Kabbalistic system is embodied in allegories and symbols.

Is Your Life Significant?

"I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I willbuild My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it." -Matthew 16:18 (NASU)The words of Jesus above spoken to Peter conveyed many meanings.

How To Avoid Deception!

GREAT PROPHECY TIPSHOW TO UNMASK DECEPTION"To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Isaiah 8:20.

Isnt There But One God?

I heard a pastor say, regarding people of the Muslim faith, "Too bad they are praying to the wrong God!" This was during a Sunday morning sermon. I flinched.

The Power of Thankfulness and Vice Versa

We are soon to celebrate once again the National Holiday known as "Thanksgiving."We do this every year.

Top Ten Religion Quotations

Review your religious beliefs with these revealing quotations all about religion..

Finding God in the Clouds

It was a cool August night during the Summer before my Junior year in high school. I was just getting off work on what seemed to be the worst day of my life.

The Christmas Victory

As the Chritmas season approaches, I figured it's a good time to submit the following article:THE CHRISTMAS VICTORYA logical and practical interpretation of Is.7:14 in the light of context and language.

We Must Be Ready. But How?

Revelation 19:7 states, "Let us rejoice and give honor unto him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready."Our salvation is not accomplished by anything we can do, or be.

Harry Potter To Christians: Its Not Good To Hear Voices

That is the popular and, thank God (if you'll pardon the use of the G name) the politically correct feeling among most Christians today. You will recall that in the second book of the Potter series, The Chamber Of Secrets, Harry Potter alone heard the voice of the basilisk.

Meaning and Marketing - The Will

You are now inside one of the top theological schools in the world and you are sitting in Dr. John Hobbs' Class on Theology with first year Freshman students.

Your Mission Field At Work

One point many Christian Working Moms who have been interviewed have made is that they are a shining light in their work place. Whether or not you can speak openly about your faith at work, your co-workers are watching.

Here's Help for the "I Can't Say 'No' Blues"

I hear it all the time. Cries from Christian women who want desperately to serve the Lord, but who feel overwhelmed.

Popping the Balloon of Belief

I'm really excited. I just got a bigger soapbox, and I wanted to invite the rest of you to get up here on it with me.

About The Spiritual World of Madonna

Pop singer Madonna came this week to Tel Aviv to take part in a congress of Kabbala studies. According to press releases, she is going to stay in Israel until Sunday night and will have on the last day of her visit, the opportunity to visit the graves of Jewish Tzaddikim (righteous holy people) near Safed, a small town in northern Israel.

Why More Priests Need To Train As Fighters (And Why We Dont See Many Boxers In Church)

"Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

What Jesus Expects of You and Me

Sometimes it is hard to know where to start even if you know what your talents are. Jesus has something to say about what we can do and what he expects us to do.

The Greatest Love and Self-image

The Greek language had three words for "Love" First there was "eros," from which we get "erotic..

No Ishmaels Please

I want to say a word about faith. Recent events in my own life have driven home just how easy it is to loose sight of what we say we believe.

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